Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,35

dress was over the top for anywhere other than somewhere in New York. Monticello wasn’t exactly the Ritz and neither was Monroe. “Liam,” she said, smiling an overdone smile. She reached her arms out, taking me into her embrace. She smelled like home. A part of me missed it. Then Dad walked around the side of the car. He still had his hair cut military style, even though he was retired. His gray eyes matched mine, but his serious face didn’t.

“Son,” he said nonchalantly.

“Dad.” Shaking my head, I looked to my left where Sarah was standing. She looked petrified. I grabbed her arm gently. “Mom and Dad this is Sarah. Sarah, this is Mom and Dad.”

Mom giggled and offered her a hug. “You’re a pretty little thing.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

“No, call me Cheryl.”

Sarah nodded and looked up at my dad. He offered her a hand and a barely there smile. He could have at least spoke.

“So, where are we going tonight?” Mom asked.

I wrapped an arm around Sarah. “Monroe, it’s about an hour from here.”

“No,” Mom said, shaking her head. “I’ve been in the car all day and I want out. Let’s eat here. Is that okay?”

“No,” I said, gritting through my teeth. “There aren’t very many places to eat here.”

“Son, your mother doesn’t want to drive any longer. We’re going to eat here. We’ll find somewhere. Come on.”

Oh, fuck.

Dad pulled up to the only Italian restaurant in town. Panorama. “Liam what are we going to do? Everyone here knows I’m in college and there are probably students eating or working here. We’re going to get caught.” Sarah’s eyes were wide and I swear I saw tears swell in them. “You can’t get fired.”

I leaned over and pressed my lips to her. “It’s gonna be okay, I promise. If we see someone we’ll just play it by ear. Hide behind the menu or something. Go to the bathroom.”

“I’m going to seem like I had an upset stomach. Because, there will be people in there that we know.”

“Come on.” I lead Sarah inside behind my parents. I quickly scanned the room, but didn’t see anyone I knew. That didn’t mean they didn’t know Sarah. I squeezed her hand and walked behind my mom. Pulling the chair out for her, I searched again. We were in the corner, and I hoped no one could see us here.

“Lovely place, for such a small town,” Mom said. “Have you eaten here before, Liam?”

I shook my head. “No, not yet.” We placed our drink order and made small talk.

We had gotten our appetizers when I finally relaxed. It didn’t seem like anyone we knew was going to come in. “So, Sarah,” Dad said. “How did you and Liam meet?”

She smiled. “I teach math at UAM and we met through work.” She glanced over at me and winked.

Dad snorted. “You approve of him teaching?” He said it like it was a curse word.

She furrowed her brows, and I touched her leg underneath the table. “Yes. We need more teachers in the world. And Liam has…different ways of helping the student’s study.”

I choked on my bread. “Sorry, wrong hole,” I said through a laugh.

Dad narrowed his eyes but dropped the subject. Sarah’s leg tapped my shin and traveled up my thigh. I tried not to smile, but it slipped.

“What are you smiling about, Liam?” Mom asked, furrowing her brow. The waitress was sitting our food down and Mom thanked her.

“Nothing, just happy.”

“I’ll say,” Sarah whispered, reaching toward my dick. It was ready to go.

“So, Sarah. Do you see yourself being happy with my son?” Dad asked.

“Kent,” Mom said, shaking her head. “They’ve only started dating, let’s not pressure them into on another.”

“I’m just asking, because I know feelings can change. And with him not taking on a job with a lot of money, she could easily be persuaded to leave.”


I saw red. I could have slammed my fist into my father’s face. Instead, I threw down my napkin and stood up. “I have to use the restroom. I’ll be back.”

How could he? I knew he would bring it up, but twice? Was he trying to ruin my life? I had moved to get away from him, and now he was coming to visit and talking down on me? What kind of man is that?

“Liam,” Sarah whispered, her hand on my back. “I’m sorry. He is wrong, ya know? He doesn’t know you well enough to know this is what you want to do.”

“Don’t talk,” I said, bending to

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