Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,25

turning his hat around backwards. “Did you do your homework?”

I pulled my notebook close to my chest. Yeah, I had done it. I had basically written a fucking porno. Not exactly, but close. “Yeah, I did.”

He rummaged around in his bag and slid me his. We always did that. I read his, he read mine. “Um, I’d rather not--,” I said but he had already placed his on my desk and took my notebook.

No! He opened it up and then his brows furrowed. “What in the hell?” He looked up at me. “I’d say this was a nice piece for Matt to see, but he doesn’t have brown hair or gray eyes.” He held the notebook out to the side. “Who is this about?”

I leaned over and snatched my notebook. “No one. This is fiction writing, I made him up.” Lie. Lie. Lie.

He furrowed his brow but finally smiled and shrugged. “You’re such a girl,” he mumbled.

I sighed. I had been feeling more like a hormone case than a girl lately.

When class was over, I walked toward the library. I had the day off from the writing center, so I decided to do a little studying for the Survey of Civ class on Friday. I sat down at my table and pulled out my books. I had the places down probably as much as I could. After an hour, I decided to go get me a drink. The drink machine was on the other side of the second floor.

I made it to the third row over when I heard something. What was that? I strained my ear and listened. Moaning? I rolled my eyes. Again, moaning louder. Damn. Tip-toeing I walked over to the bookshelf, and peeked around the corner. My heart fell from my body.

“Matt?” I asked, even though I knew it was him.

His head whipped around, turning his make out buddy to face me. “Jamie?” I screeched out, my hand covering my mouth.

“Baby,” Matt said, pushing Jamie away. “It’s not what it looks like.”

“It’s not what it looks like? So, I’m imagining you making out with my best friend. I’m pretty sure it is what it look like, Matt.”

“I’m sorry, baby. She doesn’t mean anything. I fucked up.”

Jamie stomped her foot, letting out a scream. “I don’t mean anything?” she yelled, her brown eyes huge. “What was last night then, Matt? Did you fuck me just because I’m nothing?”

He’d slept with her. My face was burning, and I couldn’t stop the rage in my throat. Grabbing the nearest book, I threw it right at his head. He tried to duck but it nicked his eye. “Fuck,” he yelled, grabbing at his eye. A thin line of blood ran down his face and I smiled.

“Serves you right, mother fucker.”

“You made him bleed,” Jamie yelled, running to his side.

I laughed without humor. “Don’t you ever talk to me again, you stupid slut. Do you see he was so easily going to toss you away? You. Mean. Nothing.”

Tears started to build in my eyes but I pushed them back. I will not let them see me cry.

A firm hand grabbed my elbow, pulling me back from the aisle. I glanced up and looked into Liam’s eyes. “You going home?”

I nodded. “Anywhere but here.”

Liam didn’t say anything to me on the way back to Pine Valley. He sat in the driver’s seat, no music, no talking just silence. I needed it. I couldn’t tolerate any more words, talking, sounds or looks. I was on the verge of tears and a scream was teasing my throat. How could they do this to me? How could my best friend sleep with my boyfriend? How could my boyfriend sleep with my best friend?

My vision blurred from the tears but the sick realization that I had done this to Matt with Liam struck me. Regardless that it wasn’t his best friend I had done it with, it was still wrong. I sighed, and ran my fingers over my face. “Is this a sign?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” Liam asked.

“A sign that what I’m doing it wrong? Or is it a free pass out. A free pass to not be with Matt anymore. To do what I want to do.”

Liam’s jaw clenched and he closed his eyes. “What do you want to do?” he asked.

He knew. He wanted me to say it. “For you to take me,” I said as calmly as I could. I hoped that he couldn’t tell that my heart was beating erratically

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