Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,24

shook my head. “No way, you couldn’t pay me.” That’s was a lie, I would have done it for free.

“Sureee,” Cody said, shutting the door. “Tell me how it is,” he said. I heard his feet and then his door shut.

Jesus. Biting my lip, I sat on my bed and watched the door. I didn’t figure it would do anything, but I imagined what lied behind it. Liam. Naked. Sexy. Chest. Arms. Tattoos. That was what my brain felt like, a mush of words surrounding him. I need some help.

I turned on my TV and laid against the headboard. Zeus chased his tail on the end of the bed. When I heard the shower turn off, I sat up straight, waiting for him to come out. When the door finally opened, he walked out in just his jeans, hanging low on his hips. Mother fucker. His hair was still wet, water traveling down his chest and dissolving in his jeans. My mouth felt dry, I couldn’t make myself speak.

“Thanks, Sarah,” he said, bringing me back to the present.

I nodded, nibbled on my lip and smiled. “Sure, anytime. You should call the landlord and tell her about your water. But, she is kind of a bitch.”

He laughed, his Adam’s apple moving in his throat. “That she is. I just hope that she can get it fixed soon.”

I twisted a ring around my finger. “Well, if you need to, my shower is opened anytime.”

Liam cocked an eyebrow and a cat like grin spread across his face. “Really?” he took a small step toward me. “Will you be in that shower that’s opened anytime?” He took another step toward me.

My breath started to come in short gasps. Control your hormones, Sarah. I bit my lip and took a step backwards. “That really isn’t something we should talk about, Mr. Downs.”

He stopped, smiled wider and took two steps toward me. “Something we shouldn’t and something you want to, is two different things, Ms. Thomas. Tell me,” he said, trailing a finger from my jawline to the V in my shirt. “Do you not want to be in that shower, or do you think we shouldn’t be in that shower?”

Shouldn’t. His hand dipped below my shirt, caressing against the top of my bra. Jesus. I exhaled shakily and glanced up at him. He winked. “Shouldn’t,” I mumbled.

He made a soft purr sound and leaned into me. Yes, I wanted to scream. But before his lips touched mine, he turned and kissed my cheek. “Just checking,” he mumbled into my ear, before turning around and walking out.


I lay in my bed, watching the door. Did he just tease me? I couldn’t describe the feeling I had when he walked out of the door. Asshole. I wanted to slap the shit out of him and pull his clothes off at the same time. My body was on fire, he was hot as hell and I wanted all of him. I had gotten up three different times determined to barge over to his house, but decided against it. I had told him we needed to cool down, and I was anything but cool. I was scolding hot with need. Aggravated, I turned on my side and buried my face in my pillow. I don’t know how long I laid there, until I finally fell into a Liam filled sleep.

The next morning, I got up early, and went to Java City. I ordered an Oreo Java and headed toward class. Jamie still hadn’t texted or called me. For some reason, she was mad and wasn’t getting over it. Not to mention Matt, who hadn’t stayed the night in two nights. Not that I was complaining, getting sleep was something I had missed. But, it was out of character for him.

When I got to class I swept into the room and took my seat by Tyler. He was in my creative writing class, too. “Hey,” he said, leaning toward me.

I sat down. “Hey, what’s up?”

He shrugged and spun his pen around his desktop. “Nothing. Haven’t heard from Jamie. She won’t have anything to do with me. Any news on your end?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head. “She has been ignoring me for days. I don’t know what the hell is up with her. She and Matt were talking in the hallway and I asked her. She said she’d been busy. We all know that’s a damn lie. She doesn’t do anything. Ever.”

Tyler smiled and shook his head,

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