A Tangled Web - R.G. Alexander Page 0,31

of Will carving on that root again. And the coyote that had come to join them as he spoke.

When she’d seen him at the tree line, she’d been ready to run screaming back toward the cottage, but Will had just chuckled while shaking his head.

“He’s not anything to be scared of, you know. The land recognizes your spirit and watches over you. Its guardians will protect you from any who would seek to do you harm. It’s a good sign. It means you’ve been accepted. You belong here.”

He’d made a motion with his hand and just like that, the coyote turned and loped away.

She’d never belonged anywhere until now. The only thing left for her to figure out was how to tell Liam that she wanted his friendship and his body...and that she was moving out of the house they’d shared for the last year so that he could be free to make whatever choice made him happy. Even if it wasn’t her.

It sounded counterintuitive, but it made sense to her. She didn’t want to be his obligation. The house belonged to his friend. He’d taken care of her and shouldered most of the responsibilities. Even her name change was because of him. She needed to do something to put them on a more equal footing. Will’s stories had made that clear.

She bit her lip regretfully as she walked away from the statue and toward the parking lot. She’d come back for it with her first paycheck. Hopefully it would still be there by then.

Her car keys were already out when she saw Stax smiling at her from over the roof of her car. She was struck once again by how pretty he was. “Hello again. Small world.”

“Small town,” he corrected. “I was bound to find you sooner or later.”

Find her? “Were you looking for me?”

“Hoping. That’s all.” He tapped out a hypnotic rhythm on the roof of the car, and Dani felt her heartbeat change to match it. “I don’t know too many people in town and Nick prefers rocks and ruins to shopping malls, so I’ve been out here people watching.”

She followed his gaze across the street to watch the steady flow of tourists. “This is a good spot for that.”

“It is, isn’t it? Not the perfect spot, but it does the job. I’m leaving now. I don’t suppose you could give me a ride?”

“Of course.” She said without thinking. She slid inside and mumbled to herself as she leaned over to unlock the passenger door. “Of course? What do you think you’re doing, Dani?”

Nick knew him, she assured herself. He’d already been to her house and met all her friends. And though she couldn’t deny there was something compelling about him, she didn’t think he was dangerous.

Still, she sent a quick text to Bailey, just in case.

He got in beside her, putting a long, intricately designed walking stick in the backseat before closing the door. Instantly she was surrounded by his heated sandalwood scent. The pheromones on this man were insane.

“I appreciate your kindness,” he said softly. “You have a good heart.”

She shook her head, but smiled. It was only a ride. “Where would you like to go?”

“Everywhere.” He laughed. “But for the moment my destination isn’t that far at all. In fact, it’s right on your way home. You are going home now, aren’t you?”

“I am.” She pulled out of her parking spot driving passed the crowds until they were on the road leading back to the place she shared with Liam. Home.

She still thought of it that way. Her apartments had always been places where she slept and kept her clothes. The place she’d gotten with Sal had been her prison. But her borrowed haven had become something more. Because of Liam.

It always came back to him. He’d been the reason it felt like a home. And she was going to have to leave it in order to have him. Life could be so complicated and strange. A bit like her passenger, she thought, forcing herself to pay attention to the road instead of sneaking another glance his way.

She should take her instant agreement to give him a ride as a good sign. When she’d first moved here, she hadn’t been anywhere near that trusting. Liam’s friends, Nick and Jace, had shown zero interest in her and treated her like their little sister, and it had still taken months for her to warm up to them.

It hadn’t only been about her ex, though that was

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