A Tangled Web - R.G. Alexander Page 0,30

strong to brush it aside.

“Wrong again.” Stax pinned Liam with his gaze. “But if the gardener wants the butterfly to stay, he has to plant the right flowers. How’s that for a fortune cookie?”

“I’d appreciate it if you’d stop long enough to tell me what you’re trying to convince me to do here. You want to help me with Dani? Fine. What’s in it for you?”

Stax snapped his fingers. “That’s the right question. I do enjoy granting favors to friends and doing my part to course correct a lost soul or two, but if I’m being honest, it’s not all about benevolence. Experience is what I crave. Bringing the two of you together will take the three of us. That is my price. One night for the rest of your life.”

“You want Dani? She’s your price when you know how I feel about her? You’re crazy.” Who the hell was this asshole? If Stax had any heightened instincts at all, he’d be running right about now. “What the fuck, man?”

Stax looked unconcerned. If anything, his smile grew at Liam’s reaction. “I mean no disrespect, I promise you. Only tell me, has she mentioned anything about the dreams she’s been having?”

Dani’s conversation about threesomes immediately sprang to mind and Liam scowled. She’d said she’d been having dirty dreams. And something about two Ewans.

She’d been dreaming about a threesome.

“This is insane.”

“So is love. I’ve always said so and you’ve always known it. That didn’t stop you from giving yours to a sweet soul who’s been too wounded to know how to accept it. Take my hand before I leave.”

Liam wasn’t sure why he did it, but the instant the man’s fingers closed over his, he felt it. Arousal. Need. Glowing green eyes burned him as they studied his flushed cheeks and full lips.

“It’s not like you’ve never shared a woman before, Liam. And remember the mouth on that handsome football player in college?”

How did he know about that?

Stax licked his lips and tightened his grip, a wave of heat pulsing straight to Liam’s cock. “She’s thought about it. Dreamed about us together. Would you deny her something you could give her while she’s safe and by your side? Would you deny yourself?”

Liam understood then. He wanted to share them. Both of them.

Stax released him and turned, walking away while Liam gasped for air. “You should think about my offer before dismissing it. You’re both nurturers, too worried about others to reach out and take what you want. My way will work because she won’t be expecting it, but it’s an important decision, I know. Take a few days. Nick will know how to find me.”

Then he was gone, leaving Liam pissed off and more confused than ever.

There was no way this was an option.

He adjusted the rigid erection in his pants and he cursed himself for the images flooding his mind. He could easily imagine the wonder on Dani’s face as two men showed her how beautiful she was. How desirable.

You can imagine him touching you, too.

Jesus, had Stax done something to his head, or was he really thinking about doing this?

It was a rhetorical question. He already knew the answer.

Chapter Seven

“I’m not saying you need an intervention. I’m saying if you’ve started dating Kaya’s grandfather, the holidays could be awkward.”

Dani chuckled as she walked through the crowd of tourists along the Tlaquepaque sidewalk, recalling her lunchtime conversation with Bailey and Kaya. She’d been going on and on about her second visit with Will, and in between her recap, Bailey had made them all laugh so hard she may have strained something. They’d definitely scared the poor waiter.

“Not dating, but I might be a little in love with him,” she murmured to herself after leaving them for the long walk back to her car.

How could she not be? It was because of him that she’d called Liam’s lawyer this morning and asked him to see about the one thing she hadn’t been sure she wanted to do before—transferring her nursing license to her new name without leaving a paper trail.

She was a healer. She could work anywhere, but taking care of people had always brought her the most joy. Sal didn’t get to take that from her. She’d just needed to be reminded that not all the things from her old life were bad.

It was a good feeling, having a direction again. A powerful feeling.

She stopped at a shop window, noticing the beautiful carving of a howling coyote on display. She thought

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