For The Taking - Brenna Aubrey Page 0,98

we—?” I asked.

“Can we discuss it tomorrow? When I’m not so exhausted.”

“Of—of course. Yeah,” I murmured, still perplexed.

The light flicked off, and he was asleep in minutes. Ugh. Not exactly the roll-over and fall asleep maneuver of males from ages past but close enough. I stared up at the ceiling, still basking in my own pleasant rush of dopamine but already craving more.

We weren’t even after all. I still owed him head. Maybe tomorrow… and with a thrill of fresh arousal, I began to fantasize about how it might come about—and how it would be.

It wasn’t conducive to sleep, and I ended up not being able to get to the land of nod for hours. But it was a pleasant way to suffer from insomnia nevertheless.

Chapter 15


My eyes cracked open twenty minutes before the alarm went off and instead of springing out of bed and heading to the bathroom, I stared at her lovely face instead. I never got bored looking at her and, like this, I could stare my fill, no questions asked. But after a few minutes, I had to fight the urge to smooth that rust-colored hair back from her face. I wanted to touch that soft cheek, run my thumb over those full, rosy lips.

Wow, she was stunning… even with bed hair and no makeup, her long cinnamon lashes lying peacefully against her pale cheeks. Her soft breathing. And the way she’d touched me last night, something stirred, replacing those tender feelings.

Slick, hot arousal. I wanted her again. Well, actually—I amended the thought—I wanted her still. Last night’s release had been a pale shadow of what I’d knew it could have been if I’d given in to her request, if I’d come inside her. The mere thought of it crackled over me with an electric energy. The usual urges that came with morning wood knotted into something tighter, more demanding, even painful. I wanted to roll her gently on her back, part her legs and taste her again. Then I wanted to quench my thirst deep inside of her heat, riding those silky soft thighs to release.

Damn… an extra-long shower again this morning might do the trick. Rubbing one out might take the edge off, but I needed this woman out of my bed ASAP or I’d most definitely give in to temptation tonight.

And I couldn’t. We couldn’t. Right now she was beholden to me for this favor I’d granted. I couldn’t let this happen between us because the power balance was uneven. She was not paying for my cooperation with her body.

But I was not a goddamn saint for chrissakes. I could only say no for so long.

When I got out of the shower, I remembered belatedly that in my distraction, I’d neglected to grab my clothes for the day. I usually showered at night and really had had no need of a shower again. It had been an impulse decision once I was already in the bathroom. I’d jumped into the shower in the vain hope that it would help me calm down and preventing myself from initiating what would certainly be some smoking hot morning sex.

With a towel wrapped around my waist, I crept back into the bedroom and glanced at the clock. She usually woke up around this time of the morning but I’d turned off my alarm early. I’d wake her up after I got dressed, so I dropped my towel and began pulling clothes out of my dresser.

“Mmm. Nice view,” she murmured from the bed from which she had a full view of my bare ass. I hurriedly pulled on my boxers before turning around.

“Didn’t realize there was a full moon out this morning, did you?” I snorted.

She smiled, doing a full body stretch that gave her movement an almost feline-like quality. One thousand percent sexy.

“Come here,” she said.

I swallowed. I was not going anywhere near her when I was only partially dressed and she was laid out like that.

“Can we talk for a minute? Or should I get up and go over to the washroom naked in order to get your attention?”

I took a deep breath, stepped into my jeans and pulled them on, then walked over to the bed. She patted my side, as if she wanted me to sit down. Meanwhile, she struggled to sit up, resting on her elbows. Her shirt—my shirt—was huge on her and the neckline dipped down to reveal a large slice of her creamy breast, just above the nipple. She seemed unaware, Copyright 2016 - 2024