For The Taking - Brenna Aubrey Page 0,147

over me. Slicing through her wet heat like a forgotten jungle, I was giddy and euphoric with the exploration.

Her hands locked on the headboard behind me as she quickened her movements and I cupped those bouncing breasts with my hands, teasing, rubbing, holding. They were so soft, giving, like the rest of her. But at the base, she was all strong, ferocious woman, unabashedly thrusting for her pleasure.

Her back arched, her breasts sliding from my hands. As she cried out with her climax, I guided her hips over me again and again until I was cresting and falling with her.

Free fall. Unable to breathe, unable to think, I held her fast to me, pushing all the way in until I was spent. Then, exhausted with a buzzing afterglow, every sense alive, every muscle went completely slack with ultimate release.

I watched as she moved off of me, falling on the bed beside me breathless, sweaty. Who the fuck was she and what was she doing to me?

What had she already done to me, against my own better judgement?

Sucking in a long breath that felt like the first I’d drawn in years, I felt my lids grow heavy and weary. She was saying something in a quiet voice but I was already fading from the world and too far gone to reply.

“Maybe everyone back at work was right after all. Maybe we did just need to fuck and get it over with.”

The morning came all too quickly. We woke with less than half an hour to get ready for the eye roll-worthy family breakfast on the back terrace of the main house. Since I’d completely forgotten to set an alarm, it was a miracle we hadn’t slept through it. This woman had worn me out completely and every muscle felt blissfully used and sore.

But there was no denying that euphoric feeling of having had amazing sex the night before. Especially following a long period of having gone without.

After a quick prep—in which she’d taken hardly any time to look beautiful—we were on our way to breakfast. Kat stopped us in the vineyard, her hair loose and curling about her bare shoulders. She was wearing a sleeveless dark blue skater dress with white tennis shoes.

Our path edged the lush, green vines heavily laden with purple grapes. And she, herself, looked rejuvenated and fresh as a sunny spring morning. When she stopped and looked all around her, mouth opening a bit in awe, she darted a look at me. “It’s so fucking pretty here.” With her signature wicked grin, she held up her phone. “Selfie time!”

She pressed close to me, holding the phone out at arm’s length to capture us both. The scent of her hair was so intoxicating that I nearly wavered where I stood.

“Ugh I hate this angle, but I want to get the sky in the background.” She cheesed for the camera. “Come on, smile, for heaven’s sake. It’s a picture, not your funeral.”

She pressed the button multiple times, admonishing me to smile more. “We’re having yet another meal with my parents, why on earth is there reason to smile?” I sneered between my teeth.

“C’mon, grumpy. One might say you need to get laid but I know that’s not true anymore.”

“Maybe I’m angling for another BJ later today.” I snuck a peck on her neck and she snapped that one too.

“Just a few more. We need to do duck lips.”

“Duck lips?”

“Yeah, it wouldn’t be a social media-worthy photo if it doesn’t have duck lips.”

She stuck her lips out like she was about to kiss a porcupine. “C’mon duck lips.”

“That looks more like BJ face to me.”

She rolled her eyes. “Duck lips or your chances of BJ go down 100%.”

I shoved my lips out as far as I could in the most ridiculous imitation of the goofiest billed waterfowl I could imagine. “You can call me Daffy Duck for the rest of the day if that’s the price for a BJ.”

“Motivation. It gets things done,” she chirped happily. “And here I just want to see you in your dark blue PJ’s again.”

“You liked those, did you?”

She laughed, swiping through the photos we’d just taken and looking at each one. “Yes! I miss them.” She flicked her pale blue eyes up at me. “Just tell me one thing, were those a gift?”

I smiled. “As a matter of fact, they were.”

“From your grandma?”

I shook my head, puzzled. “My aunt.”

“For Christmas?”

“What’s this all about?”

She grinned as she tucked her phone away. “I was just curious. Copyright 2016 - 2024