For The Taking - Brenna Aubrey Page 0,146

sure he’d finished, but I lay, listless and glowing with the aftermath, unaware of anything. Suddenly I realized his head was between my legs, his tongue finding my clit. My entire body tensed and he pushed my leg aside without a word, continuing the contact until I was coming again within minutes.

This orgasm had me forgetting how to speak, hell even forgetting how to breathe. He moved to lay beside me once more, but reached out to gently roll me onto my side, my back to him. I immediately noticed that he was still hard. I hadn’t been so oblivious as to think I’d missed his orgasm. It hadn’t come yet.

He slipped into me again from behind, spooning me closely. He whispered dirty things in my ear about how he couldn’t get enough of me, what a turn on it was for him to listen to me come, how good I felt. I clenched every muscle below my waist and he lost it then, letting out a stuttering breath and stilling, coming to his own climax.

Yeah, he only came once to my multiples, but I could tell it was a good one. It took a long time for him to come down, tense and hovering over me for long moments until he was spent, falling against me, consumed.

Neither of us said a thing for a good ten minutes as we stared up at the black sky, the faint, twinkling stars, as we processed. He nudged me awake when I began to doze off. And we took turns in the nearby washroom cleaning up before we ran back to the blankets. And once there, we snuggled against each other naked under a warm blanket and slept.

My last thought before slipping into the black… how much I could not wait to do it again.

Chapter 21


The night had gotten colder. That was the first thing I noticed when I woke up. Reaching for my watch, I saw that it was actually early morning. She was fused to my side, huddled as if she were cold though it was warm under our blankets.

But it was no fun getting up to use the bathroom while still buck naked. With no desire to squeeze back into the discarded tuxedo again, my options for clothing up here were limited. But when I came back to our little love nest on the roof, she was shivering in her sleep.

I put a light hand on her shoulder and whispered into her hair. “Kat, c’mon, let’s go inside.”

She held the blanket even tighter to herself, shaking her head sleepily. “Don’t wanna.”

“Come on. Let me help you. The bed’ll be more comfortable.”

“Mmm,” she moaned, but hooked her arms obediently around my neck, her eyes still fused closed. I gathered her in my arms, stood and moved to the stairs to take us down to the bedroom level. By the time we got there, she was awake and quietly watching me.

I lay her down on her side of the bed but she didn’t unlatch her hands from around my neck as I tried to stand up.

“What’s wrong?”

She blinked, staring me straight in the eyes.

“Need some water?”

She cleared her throat and tugged on her arms where they held my neck, drawing me down to her. “Need… more.”

My mouth met hers and we kissed, her chest rose as if searching for mine to press against it. When I did she cried out in protest, saying my skin was cold against hers.

“That’s why I was trying to get us down here.”

A lazy smile crept across her beautiful face. “Let me warm you up, then.”

When I lay down beside her, she pushed me onto my back and spread her warm skin across mine. It felt fucking amazing and without a second thought, my arms went around her waist and cinched her to me. That long, silky hair that smelled like a tropical garden draped over my face, my neck, my shoulders. Jesus. I went from being cold to igniting on fire in less than a minute.

She straddled me again, much as she had yesterday, but instead of going down on me, she inched her hips down to lock with mine. Then she slid against me until I entered her, as hard as if I hadn’t just had extremely satisfying sex a few hours ago.

Aching with need every bit as much as I had before, I was like a bottomless pit of lust for the feel of her hips underneath my cupped palms. They slid and gyrated Copyright 2016 - 2024