Taken_ A Dark Mafia Romance - Piper Stone Page 0,6

the Sacred Sect. Some would call it a weapon.

I called it a noose.

Since the day I’d found out the truth, nothing had been the same. Not my idealism or my work ethic. Not my penchant for food or drink. And definitely not my taste in women. I was hungry for something darker. That would come in time and only when I was finished accomplishing my goals. As my brother liked to say—my attempt at ruling the world. Maybe I was. All that really mattered to people was money.

And clout. I’d learned a vast about of information in these few months.


I’d never appreciated the term until recently. Now I relished the noble expression, the one used by a good number of employees within Capodanno Enterprises. As CFO, I mandated not only their loyalty but a work ethic that was undeniably harsh. However, I expected results.

After the scandal the family and the company had been embroiled in, nothing could be left to chance, including additional betrayal.

The Sacred Sect wouldn’t allow it.

Our community had been fractured, almost to the breaking point, the five men who’d ruled the oppressive Council reduced to two, my brother ascending to the throne without a single pushback.

My brother was now in charge.

Continuity had been needed.

While they continued to rule our group with iron fists, certain aspects had been forced to change, upsetting many of the families. At this point, I wanted nothing to do with the sect, but I was required by blood to perform certain duties in order to keep our powerful hold over dozens of outside organizations.

Keeping the wolves at bay.

I worked long hours and had since taking over both positions. Finally, the financials of Capodanno Enterprises were exactly as I’d demanded early on, the six million dollars embezzled from the sect almost fully refunded. I’d also come to the realization that I was exhausted.

As I pushed back from my desk, folding my arms over my head, I took a deep breath. The weekend was finally mine. A smile crossed my face at the thought. I swiveled in my chair, thinking about exactly where to go. Maybe a casino. I’d certainly seen enough beaches over the last few months to last a damn lifetime.

The knock on the door was the last thing I wanted to hear, and I had a suspicion I knew who was behind it. “Come.”

“Brother.” Christian walked in, his usual dark suit matching his surly attitude. The sense of power had changed him, even though he’d found a woman who’d been able to keep him in line. I snickered at the thought, their arranged marriage one of the few that had worked. We disagreed on almost everything, including our way of life.

My gut told me it was about to be challenged again.

“And to what do I owe this pleasure?” I moved to a standing position as I studied him. He seemed even tenser than normal, his eyes holding a heightened level of contempt. The man was within days of his beautiful bride birthing their first child and he never missed a day at the office. “Stephanie okay?”

“She’s ready to have this baby,” he said, smiling. “I am going to be honest with you.”

“And Zorro?” I asked teasingly. I would have never thought my brother would enjoy having a dog.

“He’s been a great friend during her pregnancy.” He gave me an odd look, shaking his head before closing the door, moving with deliberate steps toward the bar I’d installed in the corner of my office. I didn’t like the fact he remained quiet as he prepared two drinks, the clinking of ice annoying me more than usual.

I glanced at my watch. It was only four in the afternoon. Interesting. He’d come with a purpose in mind.

As he handed me the drink, a smirk crossed his face. Whatever he was about to say I knew would piss me off. “You might as well spill it, Christian. Something is going on.”

“You know me too well. There’s unrest in the community,” he said quietly, giving me a nod of respect. As usual, he held little emotion in his voice, but I knew the man better than most.

“There’s always unrest. Should I venture a guess? Too many vying for the vacant positions on the Council?”

He laughed, lifting his glass. “You are astute, brother, as always. The positions need to be filled. I’m finished with arguing and lamenting over who is the most accountable.”

“There are only four families in our unholy little association who qualify. At least according to

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