Taken_ A Dark Mafia Romance - Piper Stone Page 0,5

few seconds, I smiled.

Until he spoke.

“I can give you everything you desire, Winter, but only if you’re a very good girl.”

“Not a chance.”

His laugh was just as I would expect, his actions becoming even more forceful.

During the next few seconds, his breathing changed. The man was close to coming. As his cock expanded, the hard throbbing matching the beating of my heart, my body did the unthinkable.

My pussy clenched.

“Yes...” he whispered then threw his head back, letting off a ragged howl.

He’d taken me.

Claimed me as his own.

Ignoring the ugly rules, the sect’s requirements. Marriage first.

And I knew in my heart he would do so again.

As he filled me with his seed, my mind had a foretelling of the future.

The unholy union wasn’t only contrived for the purpose of keeping wealth and status. It was an attempt at keeping the monsters from breaking down the coveted walls of our community.

Maybe the circus would be fun to watch.

He released his hold and the moment his cock was pulled from my wetness, I bit back a strangled cry. Fury rushed into me, biting and nasty. I wanted nothing more than to rip out his heart, but I wasn’t entirely certain he had one. Inhaling, I turned to watch as he brushed juice-soaked fingertips across his lips, a barbaric growl erupting from his throat.

What a fucking bastard. I would hate him until the day I died, and I would find a way to make him suffer.

“You’re coming with me,” he said quietly, a man in full control.

“You will pay for this.” A flash of his gorgeous eyes was a small reward for my rebellious behavior.

As he led me to his car, securing me into the seat in a dominating manner, I knew that the nightmare was only beginning.

I was the possession of Matteo Capodanno.

And he would never let me go.

We were to be married. Then?

Until death do us part.

Challenge accepted.

Chapter Two


Two days earlier



Master of the universe.

I couldn’t help but chuckle. Maybe someone should simply call me evil. If they knew the truth about my heritage, perhaps they would.

“Senator Bellows, while I do understand your position, you need to fully embrace that Capodanno Enterprises will not be held hostage. You will sign your name on the dotted line, or I assure you that your lovely wife will find a complete file on your second family in her hands by the end of business today.”

At that moment I was grateful for the unfounded anonymous tip on the senator’s proclivities. While I ordinarily wouldn’t use something of that nature without thoroughly checking, I also felt it was a necessary risk in this game of poker we seemed to be playing.

He could either stand by the sect, allowing the project’s approval or be destroyed. It was that simple.

I heard the man’s angry strangled sound and smiled. While I knew what level of influence the asshole politician had, I refused to fall prey to his strong-armed techniques. Even his appointment to the appropriations committee meant nothing to me. We owned the majority of the government. I made certain he knew that the sect owned him and could ruin everything he’d worked so hard to achieve in a matter of minutes.

That was my way of doing business. I was no longer the man I’d been only seven months before.

Now I was nothing but a predator.

“I will take your silence as affirmation that the project has been approved. Nice doing business with you, Senator. Good luck wallowing through the muck of Capitol Hill.” I ended the call, tossing my phone and taking a deep breath. My tactics had changed in the last few months, but it was necessary. Success meant everything at this point.

Even if I was required to handle business in an entirely different manner.

That included blackmail, initiating threats when necessary. What the hell did I care? This was nothing more than the family way. The Capodanno family. I snickered at the thought. We were a product of the Sacred Sect, holding more power in our hands than God himself.


I’d been conceived in lies and had lived them my entire life. While I knew I should let go of the past, I was a different man since finding out my father wasn’t the brutal monster Nicolas Capodanno.

Instead, I was the bastard son of Father Joseph McGivney, the priest who’d been allowed far too much control over the illustrious group of wealthy and powerful families.


Now I lived with a dark and dangerous secret, one that could destroy the powerful shield surrounding

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