Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,31

making sure to shave my legs for the occasion. To be on the safe side, I apply sun cream before getting into my red bikini. In record time, I finish blowing my hair dry and apply a bit of makeup before I make my way downstairs. The house is quiet, but I can hear voices coming from outside, so I head towards the pool.

When I step out, the conversation quickly stops. It’s deathly quiet now as they all spot me coming towards them. I momentarily halt in my tracks when I see Jake tidying things up by the barbecue. He looks me over with those piercing green eyes of his, and I inwardly quiver.

I mustn’t think about Jake and just get on with the task at hand for Matthew’s sake.

My feet find movement again, and I walk over. “Hello, boys. How are we this fine, beautiful day?”

Glancing back over at Jake, I see he’s standing there with a spatula in his hand. By the looks of it, he could snap it in half if he tightened his grip any further. He seems hopping mad, but I feel determined. It serves him right.

“Great,” they all say in unison.

I smile as sweetly as possible and decide it’s time to get my flirt on. “I have a situation that needs attending to, boys. I can’t reach my back to get the lotion on. Could one of you possibly help me with this?”

Clive virtually flies through the air to snatch the sun cream from my hand. I try to hide the little laugh that escapes my lips, but it’s so damn hard. This is more fun than I thought it was going to be.

A sudden snapping sound in the distance makes me jump. Looking up again, I find that Jake has actually snapped the spatula in his hand. He’s about to pop a vein, but nobody else notices. They all seem to be too wrapped up in what’s happening with me.

Matthew quickly shoots up from his seat. “No, Clive. Since she is my sister, I should do it.” He grabs the sun cream from Clive, who, by now, has the same vein popping out his neck as Jake does. I ignore them both and position myself on top of the sun lounger face down. With a free hand, I reach across to undo my bikini top.

All the boys gasp, and at that point, Jake cuts in. “I think it’s time you boys got ready to go now, don’t you?”

Matthew snaps his head towards Jake. “I think we still have another five minutes, Dad.”

“Now, Matthew!” Jake fumes.

Matthew looks a little confused at first, but a wave of knowledge seems to cross his features. He smiles at me and winks. I gasp, looking away.

“Okay, Dad. We’ll be off now. See you on Sunday, Ana.”

The boys all look a tad annoyed as I tie my bikini top back on. I say my goodbyes as Jake walks them all out. They are all ushered off rather quickly after that. Grabbing the sun cream, I run upstairs to put a dress on. I’m in the middle of getting ready and have just got the dress over my head when the door slams open. I jump out of my skin at the violent thud.

Pulling my dress down over me, I find Jake standing there, glaring. His nostrils are flaring like a bull about to charge. His face is red, and his breathing is erratic. “What the fuck was that?”

I almost cower, feeling shocked. That’s the third time I have heard him swear like that. He’s normally so laid back. “Jake, I don’t know what you mean. Why are you so angry with me?”

He takes a deep breath and steps forward. “You come outside dressed in something that leaves little to the imagination and nearly give five teenage boys a show they’ll probably never forget. What were you thinking? Were you trying to make me angry? If so, it worked.”

I don’t know where to look. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you angry. It was a joke.”

The vein is popping again. “A joke! A fucking joke? You were walking around like a little prick tease!”

I’m the one popping a vein now. I’ve had enough. Stomping over to him, I lunge, ready to give him the slap he deserves, when he cuts my action short by grabbing my wrist and holding onto it firmly. I try to struggle, but it’s no use; he’s too strong.

With quick movements, Jake pushes me up

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