Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,30

mutters, “I’m sorry” before quickly disappearing up the stairs.

I take a few deep breaths, trying to gather myself and think with some semblance of rationality. I feel so stupid. I’m even starting to wish I had never even met Jake. I’m never going to be able to look at him the same way ever again. Now, I really do have to move out. I can’t keep going on like this, and I have to stop behaving like the panting lap dog that I see myself turning into around him.

I continue to sit there for a few minutes, trying to calm my erratic heartbeat, and I think it may be best if I just watch a movie. Maybe a good slasher film will snap me out of my reverie. Not long after settling in with Total Recall, the door swings open, and Matthew comes in.

“Hey, Ana. How’s it hanging?” He looks over and sees my obvious distress. “Your mom has a lot to answer for.” He sits down and gives me a big hug. “No one hurts my big sis.”

Oh, if he only knew!

I let out a laugh, and he smiles at me. “Thanks. I appreciate that.” Matthew’s such a good boy. He’s a typical teenager who likes to hang out with his mates and girls too. Jake doesn’t seem to mind as long as he stays out of trouble and does well in school. Matthew’s very clever, though. He could give the teachers a run for their money.

“I hate to tell you this, but it looks like my mum’s not coming back. I’m really sorry. She sent me a letter to let me know as much.”

He glances down at the piece of paper in my hands. “Am I allowed to say that your mom is a bitch?”

I burst out laughing at this statement and place my hand on his shoulder. “Matthew, my dear, don’t worry. It’s along the same lines as what I am thinking also.”

“Well, then she’s a certified bitch, and she doesn’t deserve to have a daughter like you. I have always liked you, though. I consider you to be a part of our family now.” He smiles tenderly, and I pull him in for another hug.

“Thank you. That means the world to me. I’ve come to think of you as my family too.”

He pauses like he has something on his mind. “I hate to do this to you now, but can I ask a favor?”

I look at him skeptically. “What is it?”

He bites his lip as though he knows he’s going to be asking for a lot. “You’re off tomorrow, right?”

I raise an eyebrow. “Yes. Go on.”

He averts his eyes, looking almost guilty. “Well, a few of my friends are coming over tomorrow. And you know how Clive has this big crush on you?”

I blush at this, but I do remember Clive, who was fourteen at the time, asking me out on a date. It was quite flattering, but I obviously had to let him down gently.

“Don’t start acting like my pimp, Matthew. I’ll kill you!”

His cheeks pinken a little. “No, no, it’s nothing like that. I just want to rile him up. He has been driving me crazy and playing a lot of pranks on me lately, and I am just dying to get him back.”

My lips curl up into a smile. “Right. So what’s the plan?”

Looking like he has just won the lottery, Matthew tells me what he has in store for Clive, and I agree. It sounds like harmless fun.

In the back of my mind, however, I hear, famous last words echoing ominously.


Once morning arrives, I wake up with one eye open and see the sun is shining. It’s another beautiful day. My second thought of the morning is that I expect to feel too groggy to greet the day properly. I had found sleep elusive the night before. In fact, I’d hardly slept a wink as I thought of Jake and his every touch. I think I owe what sleep I did get to pure exhaustion of thought; my mind and body eventually just gave in.

Surprised by how alert I feel—all considered—I glance at the clock and can’t believe how long I’ve slept. It’s almost twelve already. I get up when I remember that Matthew wanted me to execute our plan around one o’clock. He is desperate to make sure I do it just before all the boys go off on their camping trip.

Moving as quickly as I can, I have a shower,

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