Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,15

my desk and start searching for rentals in the area. If Jake suddenly decides that he wants me gone, I want to be prepared. I need to know what’s out there just in case I have to see a few places in a hurry.

I sit there for a good couple of hours until the sun is a little lower in the sky, making the heat a little less intense. This is my chance to go running—finally! I know Jake will want to eat shortly, so I need to get a move on and get my gear.

Getting myself dressed quickly, I wave to Jake as I pass the threshold to the door. “I’m going out for a quick run!” I shout.

I see that look in his eye again as his gaze roams over me. It makes me shudder to think he may actually feel attracted to me. It lasts for only a fraction of a second. When he catches me staring, his hardened look comes back again. “Okay. Don’t be long and stick to the main roads. I’ll have dinner ready in an hour.” He looks away the moment he says it, and that’s my cue to leave.

My God, how does that man have such an uncanny knack for turning my insides to mush one minute and then making me feel the deepest, most gut-wrenching rejection the next? I’m having second thoughts about running as the heat hits me, but my need to let off steam is stronger. I figure I only need a twenty-minute boost, and then I’ll be so hot and sweaty that the last things on my mind will be Jake’s roving hands and eyes.

Shaking my head at that last thought, I begin my stretches and start a gentle jog. I exit the cul-de-sac and keep up my gentle pace down the main strip. As usual, the few people out are walking with their dogs or are mad like me and running.

I push on for another ten minutes until I come to an area which is virtually deserted. I’m not sure why, but the hairs on the back of my neck and on my arms immediately stand to attention. As I push on, I try to get that feeling out of my mind, but it only enables panic to start settling there. Someone is watching me. I can feel it. But as I look around, not a soul can be seen. Somehow, the feeling of being watched just deepens with each stride I make.

I need to get away as fast as possible, so I turn and start running back to the house. As I start to pick up the pace, I hear my name, and although I can’t see anyone, it sounds as though someone is whispering it right in my ear. I gasp and look over my shoulder, but again, I can’t see anyone. It seems like aliens have suddenly picked up everyone except for me. Even on the main roads, there isn’t a single soul in sight.

Really panicking now, I start to run even faster. I can hear my heart pumping in my ears as I feel sweat pouring down my face and back. Someone’s watching me! Someone’s following me!

A sudden picture of Alan fills my head, and I gasp again when I think I see someone in the shadows behind me. I know it can’t be possible and that my mind is playing tricks on me. Nevertheless, the shape somehow manages to morph itself into Alan the more I look at it.

No! Please no! Please say he hasn’t found me!

As I turn the corner to the cul-de-sac, I look over my shoulder one last time to see the shadow, when bam, I hit someone with such force that I fall down in a heap.

“Ana, what’s the matter?” Jake hovers over me while I lie on the ground, panting. When I look into his eyes, a tiny, panicked squeal leaves my lips. “What’s wrong?” He offers me his hand, and I take it, letting him pull me to my feet. As he does, I crash my body into his arms, momentarily not caring that I’m sweaty and that this totally crosses the no-touching boundary I have in my head.

“Someone’s following me.” As I say this, I look towards the shadow, but I can’t see it there anymore. In fact, in place of the shadow is a long plant.

Shit, my mind is playing tricks on me. I could have sworn that was a person.

I feel Jake’s grip

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