Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,14

let out a heavy sigh. “She’s done it again. Taken all of her things and gone. Vanished without a word or a note. Jake tried to call her, but she either disconnected her phone or changed the number. Either way, I don’t think we’ll be hearing from her again for quite a while.”

Jessie looks taken aback. “Shit, Ana. What a bitch! Oops. Sorry, girl, but that is really harsh.”

I smile back at her. “Don’t worry about it. I feel the same way. I’m used to it all by now. I feel terrible admitting this, but I’m actually relieved she’s gone. I’ve dealt with so much shit from her for so long, and now, I’m finally done. I just feel so badly for Jake and Matthew. She made them think we were all one big, happy family.”

Jessie puckers her lips at me like she’s unsure whether or not to believe I’m okay. “I’m fine. Honestly. So what’s the latest on this killer?” I want to change the subject and avoid any more uncomfortable questions.

Jessie looks away for a moment and sighs. “Nothing really. It’s very frustrating. He’s very shrewd; he still hasn’t left any DNA evidence behind. The psycho knows what he’s doing. The guys are working night and day to try and nail this asshole. The good news is that all the blondes were safe last night. No more killings.”

I straighten up. “Speaking of last night, what happened after we left the bar?”

She shrugs. “Not much really. Michael and I stayed another half hour after you left. Afterwards, I went home to bed, and now I’m here. It was all very uneventful—unlike your night, apparently.”

I give her a grin. “Ah, but that may change tonight with Mr. Show-Me-The-Money!”

Jessie laughs and playfully slaps me on the arm. “Stop it. Now that you’ve put that in my head, how on earth will I ever be able to look at him over our fettuccine tonight?”

My eyes widen. “Ah. Italiano this evening, Miss Lindsay?”

She smacks me again, excitement sparkling in her eyes. “He’s taking me to that new Italian restaurant in Reston. I can’t remember the name, but the food there is supposed to be excellent.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Well, you must tell me all about it.” I pause for a moment. “Well, maybe not all about it. Some details should stay between the two of you.”

Jessie gasps. “I really have no idea what you mean.”

I give her a perplexed look. “Come on, Jessie. It’s me you’re talking to now.”

She just grins back at me. “Well, he may get a little something-something.”

I giggle. “That’s my girl.”

I leave at six with Jake leading the way. He is very quiet with me now—how it used to be. It’s only once we’re home and out of the car that he turns to me. “Ana?” I whip my head around to face him. “Despite what’s happened, I’m still going to take a couple of days off.”

I remember him reserving this time off to go away with my mum to Williamsburg for a couple of days.

“I’ve canceled everything in Williamsburg, and I’m staying here. I’ve decided to have a barbecue two weeks from Friday. Will you be home for that?”

I feel a wave of sadness pass over me as I think of all the chaos my mum has caused. “Of course. What time are you having it?”

“Around six. It should be a nice day. Matthew won’t be here that weekend, though. He’s going camping with a few of his friends. Clive’s dad is taking them all on Thursday, and they won’t be back until Sunday afternoon.”

“Matthew will enjoy that,” I respond, smiling. “Thanks for the invite. I’ll look forward to it.”

He lets out a sigh, whether it’s in relief, I am uncertain. “Good. I’ll invite a few people from work. Being off the Thursday before will give me time to get things organized.” I nod in agreement before going upstairs to my room.

As I open my door, I sit down in a slump on my bed and look around. This room is the one place where I can come to escape the incessant pull Jake seems to have over me. It’s nice in one sense, but I hate the fact that I feel I have to hide myself away, just like a teenager would. If I couldn’t get out and go running, I think I’d go crazy. In fact, running would be a great idea right now if only it wasn’t so hot outside.

Sighing, I take myself over to

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