Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,137

and Tom will be best friends. It makes me wonder how Michael feels about that.

Monday comes as soon as Sunday had, and everyone at work is so supportive. It’s good to finally return to work and get back into the swing of things. The reporters have finally managed to find out that the girl Tony was obsessing with works at the station. They’re hanging around outside, trying to get more answers after discovering that—or a possible glimpse of who was involved.

One of them eyes me suspiciously, and that alone precipitates another panic attack. I have to quickly run to the toilets to try and ride it out. Jessie notices and runs in after me, trying to calm me down. I’m a mess for the rest of the day, but I try my hardest not to think about it anymore.

A couple more days pass, and it happens again. This same reporter corners me on the way to my car and tries to ask me questions. I scream at him to leave me alone, and I drive off as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, I know I didn’t get out before he managed to get a snapshot of me. I ring Jake, and he’s furious. He tries looking for this reporter, but he’s nowhere to be seen. He probably took his chance to escape as soon as he had at least part of what he’d come for.

The next day, my picture is in the daily paper. The caption reads, “Is this the woman who captured the heart of a psycho killer?”

I’m mortified, and again I can’t go to work for a few days after. I have to try and hide from the incessant press breathing down my neck.

Jake speaks to a lawyer to see if we can sue the papers, but in the end, we both feel it’s necessary to leave well enough alone. Pursuing it might only serve to create more tabloid headlines. I definitely can’t deal with that right now.

It’s been a hard couple of weeks, but just like all sensational news stories, this one has finally died down after being replaced by another new and sensational story. This one is about a senator who’s having an affair. For now, that is the biggest news everyone’s talking about. I don’t care as long as the pressure is finally off of me.


September’s here before I know it, and I’m in a much happier place. Jake and I are more in love than ever, and my wounds—both physically and mentally—are healing. Dr. Townsend has been and continues to be a big help, and life seems pretty damn awesome. The heat’s getting a lot more bearable, but at the same time, I’m starting to feel a little depressed that summer’s over. I’m keen on getting my life back on track, so I started by setting up a date with Jessie and Mandy at Sam’s one evening. It was enjoyable apart from Jake’s incessant texting. He texted me every five minutes and wasn’t happy until he was able to pick me up and take me home. He is right about one thing: some things never do change.

Today is Friday, and I’m out with Jessie, helping her celebrate the end of the work week. I’m in an especially good mood because I am thoroughly looking forward to my dinner with Jake tonight.

“So how is it that you are here, and Mr. Boss-Man isn’t?” she asks.

I bite my lip, trying to hide my smile, but as usual, I fail miserably. “Well, he’s taking me to Leandro’s tonight, and he said he wanted to have today off so he could … prepare.”

The look on her face is priceless. “Leandro’s?” she screeches. “Ana, this is huge! You know what this means, don’t you? He’s going to put a ring on it,” she says, pointing to my left hand.

I act surprised, but I have to admit that the thought has crossed my mind.

“Do you really think so? I don’t know,” I muse.

She’s practically jumping up and down in her chair. “Come on! It has to be that. What are you wearing?”

“I don’t know. I was kinda hoping you would go shopping with me after work and help me choose an outfit.”

Her face lights up. “Of course I will, silly! Do you really need to ask?” She looks at me like I’ve grown two heads. How could I have been so foolish?

The rest of the day seems to drag on, but then it always does when you’re trying to make time

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