Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,109

don’t know what they do to me. I nearly died when I saw you in them that night. I didn’t want anyone else to see them on you but me.”

I suddenly wish I had never gone out with them on if that was how he felt. His need for me is like a genie granting the ultimate wish. I want to please him in every way possible. Nothing else matters when I’m with him. It’s just us—alone in our big bubble of Jake and Ana—and I pray every day that it will never burst. He is my all—my everything—and these moments with him are all I will ever need and all I could ever want.

As he starts kissing my neck, any fears are quickly forgotten as my eyes roll to the back of my head in pure, unadulterated bliss. The feeling of his lips on my skin has my whole body sparking with the intensity of it. We are both desperately trying to yank at his jeans as if we can’t get them off quickly enough. I have this abrupt wish to be superwoman, so I can rip them off him with ease. We barely manage to get his boxer shorts down enough before he thrusts himself into me.

“Jake!” I cry as he flexes his hips against me again and again.

My heart is about to beat right through my chest as the tension continues to build with each of his movements. I start grabbing at anything I can reach in order to pull him even deeper inside of me.

“Jake!” I cry again.

His pounding becomes faster as the stars again begin to form all around me. My head begins to feel lighter and lighter as pure bliss takes over my whole being. I feel my body lift as I somehow rise into the heights of heaven itself, and at this moment, I am certain we are the first to ever experience this feeling.

“Oh, God!” I scream.

I’m already getting close. Any barriers around me have been knocked down by the decadent monster that is Jake. I close my eyes as I let the feeling take over. I can’t hold back any longer.

Jake screams my name and I lose control, digging my nails into his back. I’m willing him inside me more and more as I climax around him.

“Ana, fuck. You keep doing this to me,” he shouts as he grunts his release again and again. As always, I meet him there, ready to take whatever he can give me. My mind’s racing with the comedown of the most magnificent sex.

“Just when I think it can’t get any better with you, something happens to change that,” he pants. “Is it just me?” he sighs into my mouth as he kisses me.

“It’s not just you, believe me.”

He buries his head into my shoulder, and we lie there for a while trying to catch our breaths. The candlelight is dancing off of Jake’s silhouette, and I watch, simply fascinated by his beauty. In this moment, I am so happy … so deliriously happy that I never want it to end.

“Ana, I—”

“Yes, Jake?” I ask eagerly. I have a feeling that his next sentence is going to be one of the most important sentences of my life.

“I—” Suddenly, right at that pivotal moment, Jake’s phone decides to ring, effectively cutting him off. All thoughts of whatever he was about to say are now lost.

“Sorry. I have to get this just in case. You know … work?”

I nod in understanding as Jake fumbles to reach for his phone. The moment is immediately ruined by the person on the other end.

“Bennett,” he answers. “Oh, it’s you. Yes, it’s fine. Go ahead.” He is silent for a moment while he listens. “Sorry to hear that, buddy.” He nods. “Okay. I hope you feel better soon.” He waits until whoever’s on the other line finishes. “You know they will probably want to come and visit, don’t you?” More silence. “Okay. As long as you’re aware. I will give you a heads-up. Yep. We’ll talk later.” He flips his phone shut. “That was Tony.”

I wriggle underneath him, and Jake maneuvers himself off. “I take it he’s still not well then?” I ask.

He nods his head. “He says he has some sort of stomach flu. He won’t be able to make it in tomorrow. He says he should be back on Thursday, but I think the Feds will want to go to his home once they realize he’s not coming in.”

I move

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