Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,108

holding the power. Right now, I’m the one in control.

I move over to him, feeling his frustration emanating from him in waves as I straddle his lap. I pull the riding crop up to my lips and push the tip of it in my mouth before sucking down on it. Hard. Jake closes his eyes again and growls his frustration. What I’m doing is obviously having the desired effect.

With a small, devious smile, I trail the riding crop down from his cheek, towards his chest and down to his groin. I rise up, spinning myself around before bending over in front of him. He strains against the handcuffs once more.

I move my hand around my legs and up towards my ass and rub around it seductively. I watch his reactions, and his face looks like it’s on fire. The anticipation of knowing that he’ll soon be inside me is burning its way deep into my soul—the soul that Jake definitely owns now.

The song’s coming close to its end as I spin around once more and move my hips up and down above his crotch. He growls once more as I trail my hand down his chest, towards his groin, and squeeze, finding out just how hard he is for me. He jerks against the chair, and I feel the vibration in his chest as he lets out another pained sound.

“Please,” he implores me. “You have to get me out of these cuffs.”

I could play with him a little longer—make it even more unbearable—but I feel I’ve taken it as far as I can. I smile and caress his face as the song comes to an abrupt end.

I pluck out the little key situated between my breasts as Jake watches my every move. I place my left leg in between his thighs, bringing it up to his groin. Rubbing there with my knee, I make him moan so loud that it vibrates right through me. He gives me a look as if to say, That’s enough, and I know I have to set him free.

I quickly move myself around, gently pressing my left leg against his as I turn. I let one hand free, and I think he’s going to make a grab for me, but instead he waits patiently for his next hand. My heart’s pounding against my chest as I unlock the next cuff.

Once done, I stand back and watch as he rises from the chair before rubbing at his wrists.

My heart is thrumming, and my gaze is fixed on his hungry stare. Moving back, I feel the bedpost and grab it, bracing myself for what he has in store for me. The thought has my senses running wilder than ever.

“Ana, you fucking tease. I don’t know whether to spank you or fuck you seven shades till Sunday.”

I grip the post, begging him with my eyes exactly what I want him to do. I drop the riding crop and take off the hat letting it fall to the floor. “I think I’ll settle for seven shades.”

His face morphs into the animal I know he is as he stalks towards me, picks me up, and drops me on the bed. “Seven shades it is then.”

I giggle, loving every moment, but soon the heat’s rising as he throws himself on top of me and pushes his hand between my suspender belt and down into my panties. He cocks one eyebrow, giving me a smirk once he realizes just how wet I am.

He presses his hand on my pussy and quickly registers they have buttons he can swiftly rip off. He certainly doesn’t hesitate; he rips them off in one fell swoop, making me gasp.

Thank God I shaved down there earlier.

As he presses his mouth against me, I can’t help the little whimper that escapes my lips. Sex with Jake is always this intense, but the buildup to it has lit fires I never even knew existed. I can feel how hurried he is to get inside me, and the feeling’s more than mutual. After all that foreplay, I’m more than ready.

As he places a finger inside me, I move my hips up to meet it. “You’re so fucking wet. I think I’m going to come just from the strength of that.”

I rip at his shirt and pull at him as desperation flows through my veins. “Fuck me, please.” He hears my desperation, and the same vibration beginning in his chest ripples through to mine.

“You need to keep those shoes on. You

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