By the Sword - By Sara Flower Page 0,44

try to tempt you to go off course. Be not deceived by what you see or hear. Trust God. He will protect you.”

“Yes, sir.”

Uittan presented something wrapped in leather to her.

Her eyes widened as she unveiled her weapon.

“My sword! Thank you. But I don’t think I will need this now.”

“Sometimes, a sword is needed. It is not the weapon that is dangerous, but the person using it. Ask God to give you the wisdom to know when, or if, you should use it,” he said.

“I just don’t trust myself with it.”

“That is why you must take it now. Put your faith in God, and He will give you the strength and wisdom to know what to do.”

“Well, thank you. I am going to try.”

“Your mother would be so proud of you, Talya.”

“You knew my mother?”

“Oh yes. Very well.”

“But my father never let on that he knew you before.”

“We did not meet until the queen brought me back here a couple of days ago. I knew your mother as a girl.”

“Why did you not tell me until now?”

“I wanted to see what sort of person you were first.”


“Your mother had been very involved in the ministry, especially before you were born. She was one of my theology students at the university in Cardamon when she was around your age. In fact, she was quite a bit like you.”


Uittan smiled at the memory of Anstalla. She had been one of his most dedicated pupils – always ready to go wherever God needed her. He would forever miss her soft smile and her love for lost souls.

“You may have your father’s ability with the sword, but you have your mother’s passion for life.”

Talya blinked back tears.

“Thank you for the kind words,” she said.

“When passion is directed correctly, God can move in your life.”

Talya nodded.

“Thank you for showing me that,” she said.

“Thank the Lord, child. I am only an old messenger.”

Talya smiled and walked back over to the giants to say good-bye.

Saclam gave the scroll back to her and then led the tall men out of the forest.

Uittan mounted his dragon to join them. Before leaving, he looked back at Talya. She was staring at the stars.

“I am leaving now to go with the giants,” said Uittan.

“All right. I will see you after all of this, Uittan. And tell my father and Tanel that I miss them.”

“God be with you, Talya. Remember what I told you. Do not be deceived.”


Jalarn could sense that she was in the forest. The feeling had intensified after he had finished his dinner. He left his men to their jokes and games, and started through the dark forest in search of her. That sword maiden was most likely there to sway the giants’ allegiance before he got to them – the fool. It would be the last time that she would get in his way. She would not escape him here.

“Show me where she is, lord. I will not fail to kill her for you this time.”

Jalarn’s eyes had adjusted to the dimly lit woods. He would find her soon. He would not sleep until her blood soaked the ground and the giants were under his control.

He came to a clearing.

No sign of her.

Jalarn backed up and went the other way. He found one set of human tracks. They were definitely not a giant’s. It had to be her footprints – they matched someone of her height and build. He followed them, listening carefully.

He was a little surprised that she was by herself. No one would choose to enter that place alone unless she was crazy. Why had she come to Hunter Forest to sway the giants on her own? She was asking for death being in the same forest that he was. Like a hungry predator stalking his prey, Jalarn knew that he would soon kill her, and once he did, he could finally forget about her.


The moonlight highlighted the lion emblem on Jalarn’s breastplate. His slow, even footsteps barely made a sound. Talya crouched in the bushes, waiting for him to come closer. She gripped the hilt of her sword, holding her breath.

The moment has come. God must want me to kill Jalarn or He never would have brought him to me at this moment. The world will soon be rid of another senseless killer and Malinor will have no general to lead them.

Jalarn passed by her hiding place. Then, he stopped.

“You can come out of those bushes now,” he said without turning around.

Annoyance surged through her. Copyright 2016 - 2024