By the Sword - By Sara Flower Page 0,43

she had read many times before, and handed it to the eldest man.

“Men of Hunter Forest, do you know that God’s Son died for your sins?”

“What foolishness are you saying?” asked the eldest.

“Please, let me tell you the whole story.”

“We don’t have time to listen to children’s tales,” scoffed the bearded one.

Talya suddenly remembered the ring from her pocket. She dug it out and then showed it to them.

“The prophet who sent me asked me to give this to you.”

The youngest crossed his arms, while the oldest one’s eyes widened.

“Let me see that!” he said.

His thick fingers snatched it from her hand.

“Where did you get this from?” he asked.

“From Uittan. He is a prophet of God.”

“Uittan,” said the youngest. “Is that the same man you knew as a boy, Grandfather?”

“Yes. He was the only kind person outside of this forest that I have ever met. We were friends as lads. Please, child, go on with your story. If Uittan believes this, then there may be something to it.”

Talya started from the beginning.

“Jesus was with God at creation. He is God’s Son, you see. He came down from Heaven in the form of a human being to dwell among us as a blameless man. He was here solely so that He could die for our sins. All we need to do is ask Him to forgive us for our sins and He will.”

The eldest giant extended his hand.

“May I see your scroll, child?”

“Yes, of course. You can keep it.”

“Go on,” said the youngest. “How did this Jesus die?”

“He was nailed to a cross after being brutally whipped. He was wounded for our transgressions. Bruised for our iniquities. But He loved us still. He made Himself sin on that cross so that anyone could be forgiven. And He lives.”

“He lives? How could that be?” asked the bearded one.

“On the third day, He arose from the dead. He is back in Heaven now. He is waiting for you to accept Him into your hearts so that you can dwell with Him for all eternity.”

“Sounds too good to be true,” said the young one.

“Quiet,” said the oldest of the three.

He bent down on his knees to look at Talya from a more equal height. His eyes glistened with revelation.

“Thank you for risking your life to come here. I have heard the story of Jesus dying before, but not like this. I did not know why He died,” he said.


Mounted on the swiftest firedrake in Sanctus, Uittan rode to Hunter Forest. He had prayed fervently that Talya would complete her task. He had faith in her. She was still so young and headstrong, but so were the many others that God called.

The thick forest, lit only by the half-moon’s light, came into view. Once he was at the center of the forest, he steered his dragon down. They landed on the forest floor.

Uittan saw ten giants, and Talya was standing among them.

He smiled. She had come through, after all.

Thank the Lord.

Talya saw him and ran over.

“Uittan! All of the giants have accepted Jesus.”

“Praise God!” Uittan cried.

He got off of his steed and walked over to the formidable men. When he saw the eldest giant, he rushed over to him. They embraced.

“Saclam, it has been too many years!”

“Uittan, the young girl that you have sent to us has shown us the truth. Thank you.”

“I am so happy to hear of it, old friend,” said Uittan. “We were both blind those many years ago. Now, here we are many years later, and we are both children of God.”

“I am forever grateful that the Lord took mercy on this old fool,” said Saclam.

Saclam turned to face Talya.

“And I also need to thank this dear young one again. She did not back down when we asked her to leave.”

“I am delighted that all of you are believers now.”

“Talya gave us some background information on the upcoming battle. My men and I want to march with Sanctus and help them conquer those Malinorians,” nodded Saclam.

“I will gladly give my life for the last God-serving nation!” said another giant.

“This will mean a lot to the general. I will take you to him. Talya, you are to stay here for the second part of your mission,” said Uittan.

This time she did not scowl or protest. Talya only nodded. She had changed a lot already.

Uittan laid his hand on her shoulder.

“Your task has just begun. Remember that God is with you no matter how high, far, or deep you go. The devil will Copyright 2016 - 2024