The Sweet Talker (Boston Hawks Hockey #1) - Gina Azzi Page 0,77

the top of my head.

I know he means it. All of it.

I can’t wait either.



One Week Later

“You sure you got everything?” I ask for the third time since we arrived at the airport.

Indy grins at me. “I’m sure. Honestly, you don’t have to worry.”

“I’ll always worry,” I mutter, checking out the students she’s traveling with. Two of the guys seem strong enough to lift her in an emergency and one of the girls definitely ticks all the boxes in the over-preparedness column. Still, anxiety threads through my limbs, making me jittery with worry.

Indy’s palm cups my cheek and I drag my eyes back to her. “I love that you worry.”

“You hate it. You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”

She wrinkles her nose. “I love you.”

I press a quick kiss to her lips. “I love you more.”

“I’ll never get tired of hearing it.”

“I’ll never get tired of saying it.”

“Jesus, stop before I puke,” Claire’s voice rings out.

We turn and notice Claire standing beside us, her arms crossed against her chest.

“Sorry.” Indy blushes.

“He’s not.” Claire hooks a thumb in my direction.

I chuckle. “You’re right.”

“You good, Indy?” Claire asks her cousin.

Indy nods, doing a once-over of her group. “Yeah. We’re all set.” She kisses Claire’s cheek, wraps her arms around me for one last kiss goodbye, and steps back. “See you in ten days.”

“Ten days,” I confirm.

Then I watch as the woman I am so goddamn twisted up over turns around, claps her hands, and calls out to her students. They follow her in awe, their faces lighting up in excitement. They toss last waves over their shoulders to their parents as they all pass through security.

Claire and I watch until the group is out of sight.

Then, Claire clasps my shoulder. “You’re going to be okay, Scotch. Trust Indy, she’s the most trustworthy person on the planet.”

I chuckle. “Yeah, I know. It’s just, damn, I never thought I’d feel this way.”

Claire peers at me, frowning. “Simultaneously giddy and tortured? Like your head is a mess but also the clearest it’s ever been?”

My eyebrows furrow as I meet her gaze. I never expected Claire to hit the nail on the head before. “Well…yeah.”

She sighs, “It doesn’t get any easier, my friend. You just get better at managing it. And with Indy, well, you know how she feels about you. And she needs to be able to count on you to manage”—she pauses, gesturing to my being—“all of this.”

“She can,” I say more defensively than I’d like.

Claire snorts. “Trust me, I know, she knows, everyone knows.”


Claire nods. “Come on, let’s get out of here. I’m starving.”

“Are you trying to fish for an invitation to lunch?”

Claire threads her arm through mine. “Sometimes, you just get me, Scotch.”

I chuckle, heading back toward the parking garage with Claire. “Hey, Easton’s coming home next week.”

Claire stiffens, her pace slowing as she peers up at me. “For good?”

I don’t miss the hesitation in her eyes or the waver in her voice. “Yeah. For good.” I tug her along. “And you need to manage all of this.” I wave my empty hand at her. “Don’t go tormenting my brother with your flirtatious giggles and big eyes. He needs to stay focused on his recovery.”

She gasps and for a moment, I think I truly offended her. “I never tried to distract him like that.”

I give her a look, snickering. “Relax, Claire, I’m playing with you. I know that. I just meant, East’s going to be out of sorts for a bit. Maybe not even acting like himself. So just, you know, go easy on him.”

She nods, her expression more serious than I’ve ever seen it. Then, she grins and a flash of humor flares in her eyes. “You mean like how I’m always giving shit to Big Daddy?” she asks, referencing her nickname for Torsten since he’s the oldest guy on the team.

“Exactly like that.” We step into the parking garage and walk to my car.

I slip into the driver’s seat just as my phone chimes with a text. Pulling it out of my pocket, I can’t stop the grin on my face when I see Indy’s name.

Indy: Thanks for dropping me at the airport.

Me: As if I wouldn’t see you off.

Indy: I’ll miss you a whole lot, Noah. Already do.

Me: I can make up a story and halt the plane.

Indy: [3 laughing emojis] Don’t you dare. I’ll be back in ten days.

Me: Already counting down.

Claire huffs beside me but I hear the amusement in her tone and don’t bother Copyright 2016 - 2024