The Sweet Talker (Boston Hawks Hockey #1) - Gina Azzi Page 0,76

back on his heels and waits.

“That Jace Edwards broke her heart.”

Noah’s jaw tightens. “Yeah.”

Dad clasps Noah on the shoulder and looks him straight in the eye. “But you’ve never been a typical hockey player, Noah. I’ve always been proud of your success on the ice and now, I’m proud of you off of it too. Congratulations, son. Welcome to the family.”

Emotion swells in my throat at the sweetest exchange in the history of my life. Top three for sure. My heart explodes for my dad, the best dad in all the land, as he welcomes Noah into our fold like it’s the most natural thing to do. Except, he means it. I can tell by his body language that he means every word he says. I watch as Noah stands just a tiny bit taller, his lips twisting as he tries to control his feelings. “Thank you, sir.” Noah sticks out a hand.

“Call me Jemmy, Noah.” Dad swats his hand away and pulls him into a hug. “You guys are going to be fine,” Dad says, patting his back. He shoots me a wink over Noah’s shoulder.

I smile and blow him a kiss, knowing we’re going to have a long chat about this later. Claire appears beside me and slips her hand in mine. “That went a million times better than I thought.”

“I think so too,” I whisper back.

“How you feeling?” Austin asks from my other side.


My cousins smile. Austin pulls me into a side hug. “I never thought I’d say this but you and Scotch make a really great couple.”

“Thanks, Aus.”

“He’s good for you, Indy.” Austin grins at me. “And you’re really great for him.”

The three of us laugh before Claire grabs a tray with the champagne flutes she poured out. “A toast!”

Of course, my family’s chatter halts as everyone’s eyes swivel toward the alcohol. Claire passes out flutes, even handing one to me and winking to let me know it’s non-alcoholic. Still, Noah pales and steps forward.

Claire swats his hand away. “It’s fine, Noah. Non-alcoholic, sparkling wine.” She points over her shoulder at the bottle on the counter.

He visibly relaxes as my family howls.

“And so it begins…” Uncle Joe tells him.

“You’ll have to watch these two like a hawk,” Dad agrees, pointing to Claire and me.

“Oh, don’t worry about anything. Indy knows what she’s doing,” Aunt Mary decides, her confidence in me surprisingly unshakeable considering I slept my hangover off on her couch in club clothes only a few months ago.

Dad raises his glass toward Noah and me. “The best surprises in life are the ones you don’t see coming, the ones you don’t wait around for, the ones that happen with those who matter most. Family. We’re so proud of you, Indiana. Always. I know you’ll be an amazing mom and give your baby all the love in the world. Noah, we couldn’t be happier that you’re the man standing at Indy’s side. Welcome, son.” Tears spring to Mom and Aunt Mary’s eyes and Uncle Joe clears his throat.

Claire rolls her eyes but beams at me.

“And not to make it about us,” Dad continues. “But we’re really ready for a grandkid!”

Austin chuckles, Uncle Joe shouts out “hear hear,” and Noah wraps me in his arms.

“Cheers!” My family members clink their flutes together and everyone drinks to our health and happiness.

I snuggle deeper into Noah’s embrace, sipping at my sparkling wine.

“You’re the best part of my life, Indy,” Noah whispers in my ear. “Always, no matter what, forever, it’s me plus you plus our baby.”

I tip my head back and smile up at him. “You’re such a sweet talker, Scotch.”

He kisses my forehead. “How else could I have gotten you into my—”

Austin, standing the closest to us, clears his throat and Noah and I laugh.

“Oh! The roast!” Mom says moments before I notice the smoke coming out of the oven door. Mom lunges for it and the kitchen begins to fill with smoke.

Aunt Mary runs for the windows. The smoke detector begins to beep, filling the kitchen with a loud sound.

Claire throws her head back and laughs, filling her champagne flute.

“I’ll order some pizzas,” Dad says, pulling his phone from his pocket. He glances at me. “Can you eat pizza, Indy?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

He smiles. “Love you, kid.”

“Love you more.”

Noah’s hands settle on my hips as I tilt my head back once more. “Welcome to the chaos, Noah.”

“Oh, it’s gonna get a lot more chaotic than this,” Uncle Joe says, looking pointedly at my stomach.

“I can’t wait,” Noah says, kissing Copyright 2016 - 2024