Sweet Love - Mia Kayla Page 0,103

because she stepped back and both hands flew to her mouth. Taking her hand, I dropped on bended knee and that was when the first of her tears began to fall.


I whispered her name, getting choked up myself.

“I kind of knew you were meant for me on that very first day I’d met you in front of that candy wall and you told me you hated our signature chocolate bar.”

She swiped at her tears and laughed.

“But what solidified my love for you was your kindness in helping me save my company—our company now. Because what’s mine is yours.” Staring up into her eyes, I knew it was because of her that my life was complete. “I came back for you and got more than I ever wished for. I got you. I got my family back. I am now leading this company where it’s never been before.” I swallowed down all the emotion bubbling up to the surface. “We didn’t finish writing out the commercials. We only finished up to the marriage scene.”

Her tears fell harder and faster down her cheeks.

“Will you make me the happiest man alive and finish out the rest of the scenes with me? Where we are gray and old, holding hands and sitting on our porch, watching our grandkids play games in our front lawn. Charlie, will you marry me?”

With a nod of her chin, I was up on my feet.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! A million times yes.”

Both of her hands were on my cheeks as she kissed me sweetly.

“I love you, Connor Colby.” She pulled back, smiling up at me. “But you are forgetting one part of the story—the part where we are giving out chocolate bars to the grandkids as prizes. Sugaring them up before we give them back to the parents. “

I didn’t think I could smile any bigger. “You always complete the start to my stories.”

Kyle and Casey emerged, clapping and cheering.

After Casey jumped on Charlie in a congratulatory hug, Kyle pushed the video camera, still taping in my direction. “So, big bro, any words to say?”

I reached for my future wife, dipped her, and my lips descended on hers.

“And they lived happily ever after.”

The End. Again.

Did you love this office romance? Looking for another one to read?

Here is a sample of Mia Kayla’s bestselling novel, BOSS I LOVE TO HATE.



“Her boobs can’t possibly be real.”

My best friend, Ava, always tried to make me feel better. Too bad I knew she was lying. Lying through her teeth.

With my forefinger, I pushed my glasses farther up my nose and leaned closer to the computer screen, so close that I nearly went cross-eyed. The scent of coffee hit me directly in the nostrils. The sound of paper spat out of the printer. The chatter of my coworkers rang loudly behind me. But I ignored it all and concentrated on my computer screen—her—my replacement. Jeff’s replacement for me.

“She’s not that pretty,” Ava continued.

I scrolled through my ex-boyfriend’s Facebook feed again, fixated on their endless pictures together, laughing, hugging, smiling, eating. And her … I couldn’t get over her. The replacement was beautiful, her body built like those mannequins at the store, tall and perfectly proportional. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. High cheekbones contoured like those stupid tutorials Ava always watched on YouTube.

“I hate her.” Venom dripped from my tone. Not only because she was beautiful, but also because she had him.

Already tired of looking at my computer screen, I leaned back against my chair and straightened my pens, separated by color in their cup-like containers.

“I’m telling you, she’s not that …” She coughed. “But do you think her boobs are real?”

“They can’t be.” My eyes level with the screen. “Who has a perfect face, body, and boobs, too?”

Why must life be so unfair?


I jerked back at the sound of my boss’s voice and knocked over my coffee in the process, causing me to jump back and drop the phone. “Damn it!”

Liquid spilled everywhere—on the desk, on my keyboard, on my skirt.

Fisting a handful of Kleenex from my tissue box, I cleaned up my desk. The light-brown liquid soaked the tissues. I grabbed more, repeated the process, patted my damp skirt down, and glared at his office door.

I had ordered his breakfast, picked up his dry cleaning, and gone over his schedule for today. What the hell did he want now? Couldn’t I get some peace for five freaking minutes?

I reached for the phone dangling off my desk and placed it to my

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