Sweet Love - Mia Kayla Page 0,102

I slapped his shoulder, laughing, he grabbed my hand, locking our fingers together.

I leaned into him, my face only inches from his. “So, you are here for good now?” I asked, my heart full.

“For good. Forever and ever … until you get rid of me.”

I sighed. “That’s not ever going to happen.”

He kissed me then, speaking as his lips brushed against mine, “So, I’m yours now until the end of time.”

“You’ll forever be my baby, you big baby,” I said, pinching his diaper for emphasis.




I stepped out of the car, taking in the moon high above in the night sky, illuminating the lake beneath it.

I rubbed my hands together then wiped them for what seemed like a million times down my black slacks.

“Hey.” My brother approached, coming to my side of the car. “Don’t worry. You got this.”

I swallowed. Hard. I didn’t understand why I was so nervous.

“I mean, you wanted to do this months ago but you couldn’t find the perfect ring so what’s the problem?”

“Nothing,” I said, smiling. Absolutely nothing.

He was right. I had wanted to do this months ago but was looking for the perfect ring, waiting for the perfect time, plotting out the perfect proposal.

He handed me the black velvet box and I flipped it open, staring down at the internally flawless single solitaire.

Kyle let out a low hoarse whistle. “What did that cost you? Two years of your salary?”

I shook my head and let out a nervous laugh.. “No, but close to it.”

He threw his arm over my shoulder and led us away from the car toward where everything was going to go down. “Casey should be here with Charlie soon.”

A few hundred yards from the lake, my brother patted my back one last time, lifting what he had in his other hand – a video recorder. “See you on camera.”

“Thanks, bro. For doing this.”

“Thanks for letting me do this. I told you. You need to record this for your future kids.” He lifted his fist and I bumped my fist against his before he walked to the other side.

It was crazy to think that was how we bonded, filming a series of commercials that essentially saved my company.

My company.

Over the last year, my father had finally stepped away from the day-to-day functions, letting me implement my ideas, managing and leading my way.

The past year with my family had been one of my happiest moments. Over the holidays, we went skiing with Charlie’s family. I didn’t remember a time when we went on a family vacation with everyone.

My pulse ticked up when Casey approached from a distance leading a blindfolded Charlie toward the lake, toward me.

I closed the space between us, meeting her exactly where I needed them to be, in between two trees underneath the moonlight.

“Casey?” Charlie extended her hands, feeling for nothing but air. “Where did you go?”

Casey threw me a thumbs up, smiled, and walked toward the hiding spot behind the tree.

I stepped into Charlie and after I reached for her hand, she pushed back the blindfold and smiled. “Connor?” Her face registered confusion at first. “What is going on?”

Seeing her in the dress I’d bought her, all my nervousness faded away.

She was wearing what I told Casey to specifically pick out for her. It was Casey’s birthday last weekend and Casey had made up the excuse that they were going out to dinner for her celebration. Casey had gotten ready for her pretend birthday dinner at Charlie’s place and picked out this dress to specifically wear for today—a blue flowy chiffon dress, one that Charlie had drawn out for the proposal scene when we started brainstorming for the commercial months ago.

“Charlie, you look amazing.” I pulled her in at the waist and planted a chaste kiss on her soft lips, my one hand heavy on her hip.

She tilted her head, her eyes playful. “What are you up to?”

“Up to something good for once,” I said.

“Are we celebrating? It’s not our anniversary.” She wrinkled her nose in the cutest way and I tucked an escaping strand behind her ear.

The moonlight cascaded a shine across her beautiful features and the sounds of the lake rushing against the shore brought me back to when we had filmed the proposal scene, but now we were at a different lake and under different circumstances. We were no longer playing a part, I was living in the now.

Just then the lights that Kyle and I had strung on the trees lit up.

I knew when she knew,

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