Sweet Little Nothing - L.K. Farlow Page 0,20

me and pauses. “You’re wrong. I know you don’t believe me, but you are. You’re so very wrong.”

And with those parting words, she slips out of the door, leaving me to wonder when she became such a skilled liar.

Chapter Ten


I run out of the office like the hounds of hell are nipping at my heels, because they are.

I run like my life depends on it.

Despite my entire body shaking like a leaf, I run all the way back to my dorm building, not caring even an iota about the shouting and glaring students I leave in my wake.

My entire world is imploding, collapsing in on me, and I have no clue how to stop it.

“Damnit, just open!” I wave my badge in front of the sensor for the third time. Finally, it flashes green, and I dash through the door, bypassing the elevator for the stairs.

The thought of waiting even a second for the car to come is enough to send me over the edge into full-blown hysteria.

I’m panting and covered in a fine sheen of sweat by the time I burst out of the stairwell.

My hands shake as I try and slide my key into the lock.

The sound of the elevator doors parting, followed by footsteps, sends a fresh bout of terror zipping through me.

At this point, I may as well be trying to thread a needle rather than insert a key into a lock.

The footsteps grow closer, sending my entire being, mind and body into overdrive.

“Just do it, damnit!” I mutter, finally shoving the key into the hole.

I disengage the lock and throw the door open right as someone calls my name. “Emmy!” The voice is familiar, but I’m taking no chances.

Without responding, I race into my suite and slam the door behind me, promptly locking it again.

“It’s okay. You’re safe.” I press my back against the door and slide to the floor, pulling my knees to my chest. “Just breathe.”

Overhead, the doorknob rattles, and I scramble up from the floor and into my room, slamming and locking that door as well. I dive beneath my covers, burying myself in them.

If the monster can’t see me, it can’t get me.

“Emmy!” A sharp knock on my bedroom door follows. “Emmy, you’re freaking me the hell out. Open the door.”

“It’s only Stella,” I whisper to myself. But still, I don’t move. I can’t move. My body is locked in place, my muscles seemingly paralyzed with fear.

“Please open the door. I need to know that you’re safe.”

I will myself to move. To speak. To do something to let my friend know I’m okay.

“I’ll get Melanie if I have to.” Her words are thick with worry—worry for me.

I can’t even begin to recall the last time someone worried over me.

It’s that worry that has my muscles unclenching enough to haul myself from the bed.

The second I unlock the door, Stella pushes through it, her eyes wide and her lips trembling. “Are you okay? Talk to me, Emmy. I’m begging you.”

“I’m...” I manage to croak, then the tears start anew.

“Babe, you’re seriously freaking me out. Do you... is there anyone I can call?” She slides her phone from her back pocket. “Your mom?”

“No!” I shout, knocking the slim device from her hand.

She stares at me in shock. “Okay. That’s fine. On one condition.”

“Anything.” My voice is desperate... pleading. “Anything!”

“You gotta talk to me.”

I shake my head back and forth, nerves outweighing logic. But Stella cuts her eyes at me in a way that has me changing my tune.

“Okay,” I whisper. “But... you can’t... you have to promise not to judge me. Do you promise?”

Stella tucks a strand of honey-colored hair behind her ear. “Yeah, I promise.”

“Can I change first?” I glance down at my outfit, and the ghost of Sterling’s citrusy male scent burns my nostrils. “And maybe shower, too?”

“Yup. I’ll be here when you finish.”

I nod my thanks and then grab a fresh pair of leggings and my coziest sweatshirt before darting to the bathroom.

I’m half tempted to throw out the clothes I’m wearing, but ultimately decide washing them will be sufficient. The thought of giving him more than I already have pains me. He doesn’t deserve any part of me—not my tears, not my worry, and definitely not my time.

With the water scalding hot, I step beneath the spray and scrub away the remnants of his touch until my skin is pink and raw.

I towel off, throw on my clothes, and twine my damp hair into a braid. I don’t feel

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