Sweet Little Nothing - L.K. Farlow Page 0,19

to support me, because his touch—as unwanted as it is—has my entire body off-kilter. Whether it’s the juxtaposition of the threat in his words and the softness of his touch, or simply fear, I’m not sure. Either way, I hate that a man as rotten as him can make me feel anything at all.

“You’re a psych major, right?” He pauses and I nod. “Then you need this class.”

“I can take it next semester.”

“No, I don’t think you can.”

“Why?” I want to stomp my feet at the injustice of this whole situation.

I’m the one who was wronged, in the most atrocious of ways, and yet I’m also the one being punished.

“Because, little mouse, if you drop this class, you’ll derail your entire college career.”

“That’s not... that’s not true.”

“Isn’t it?”

I know there’s a shred of truth to his words. I guess what it really comes down to is how much I’m willing to endure to make my dreams a reality. Yesterday, I was willing to do anything to cement my future.

Plus, what’s the worst Sterling Abbot can truly do to me?

Chapter Nine


I can see the implication of my words as they hit. She knows I’m right; she knows if she drops this class, she won’t be able to take at least one of the classes she wants next semester.

However, I need to make sure she stays.

Emmy falling into my lap like this is too good of an opportunity to pass up, and I’m damn sure willing to play dirty if it ensures she gets what’s coming to her.

“Well, maybe—”

“It’s so interesting to me,” I cut her off, my words intentionally vague.

“What is?”

“You showing up here, in that little dress.”

Her eyes widen at my insinuation. “What? It’s... it’s just a dress.”

“Short.” I reach down and finger the material of the hemline, my knuckle grazing the soft, smooth skin of her thigh. “Thin. It’s barely fit for public.”

Wetness gathers along her lashes, but she doesn’t speak. In fact, she doesn’t even move. She’s as still as a statue.

“I’d hate for it to get back to the dean that you came to your professor’s office and propositioned him.” I click my tongue and slowly shake my head back and forth. “I imagine having such a blight on your record would be troublesome. Especially given your past.”

“You’re a monster.” Her voice breaks and the brimming tears spill over.

I step away from her, a smug look on my face. “You know what they say... takes one to know one.”

Her entire body is practically vibrating in anger. I fucking love it.

“You wouldn’t!”

“Wouldn’t I?”

“It’s... you’d be lying!”

“That’s your area of expertise, is it not?” A sharp bark of laughter punctuates my words. “Poor little Princess Price. So eager to ruin the lives of others but whimpers and whines when she’s paid back in kind.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” she whispers vehemently.

She’s good. Convincing. But I know better. She’s a foolish girl prone to poor choices. A selfish girl. A liar. And it ends here. I won’t let her ruin someone else’s life. No, I’ll ruin hers instead.

“I know exactly what I’m talking about.”

She tries to shove past me, but I’m not quite ready to let her go.

“Not so fast.”

Emmy tries again to push past me, and now I’m pissed.

“I said not so fast.” I grab her wrists and mercilessly shove them into the wall over her head. She struggles against my hold, but her fight only excites me. I squeeze her delicate wrists even tighter as I press against her with my hips.

She stills instantly at our intimate position. But sex is not what I’m here for, even if the thought of fucking her until she’s sobbing my name is tempting enough to have me rocking a semi.

“What?” she hisses the word, anger and frustration and fear, all dripping from the single syllable.

“You will stay in this class. You will take whatever I dish out. And you’ll do it with a goddamn smile.”

“Why are you doing this?”

She sounds so small, so broken. All the easier to break her more. “You know why, and I won’t hesitate to rain down hell on you if you don’t play my game, Emmalyn. You deserve all of this and more.”

Resigned, she shakes her head. “Am I free to go?”

I release her wrists and step away. “As free as a bird with clipped wings.”

She doesn’t waste a second and flees toward the door. I expect her to haul ass out of here without sparing me a second glance, but instead, she surprises

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