Sweet as Honey (The Seven Sisters) - By Caitlyn Robertson Page 0,48


“Oh don’t worry about us,” Honey said with more confidence than she felt. “We’ll be fine.”

“Perhaps you have an open relationship?” Cathryn looked intrigued. “Maybe you expect him to go off with other women? Would it really not bother you?”

The thought made her want to punch Cathryn’s teeth down her throat, but Honey clenched her fists and fought for control. “My life is of no concern to you.”

Cathryn moistened her red lips. “He told me you hadn’t slept together yet.”

For the first time, anger rather than panic and hurt rose to the fore at the thought that Dex had discussed their private life with his ex-girlfriend. “What of it?”

“You’re not…oh my God, you’re not a virgin, are you?” She looked highly amused.

At least Dex hadn’t told her about Ian and her past, thought Honey, but it was scant consolation. At that moment, she hated him for sharing something so personal, especially with the woman who’d once been a part of his life. How could he have done that? Obviously, he’d thought to keep it a secret from her. Maybe he just didn’t want to hurt her, but that didn’t make it better.

She didn’t know what it meant for their future. She would have to sit down and think about it all, and then she’d have to talk to him. But that was a problem for later. For now, she wanted this woman out of her house, and fast. “That’s absolutely none of your business. Please leave.”

Cathryn ignored her. “Holy heck, you have absolutely no idea what you’re letting yourself in for, do you?”

What the hell did that mean? “Please leave now, before I call the police.” She didn’t miss the irony that it might be Dex who received the call.

Cathryn grinned. “Perhaps I should give you a few ideas, you know, girl to girl?”

Honey started walking to the door, but Cathryn put her arm across to the wall, halting her exit.

“Would you like a list of everything we did in the bedroom?” she said huskily. “Every dirty little thing we got up to, so you know what to expect?”

Honey was shaking now. “Get out of my way.”

“I never knew before I met Dex just how many different positions a couple could have sex in, and how many times in one night a man could manage it!”

Galled at the thought of the two of them swinging from the chandeliers and screwing like bunnies, and incensed that a small part of her wanted to ask what Cathryn had meant by the comment You have absolutely no idea what you’re letting yourself in for, do you? Honey pushed the woman’s arm. “Get out!”

“I had no idea how many types of sex toys there were either. Or where he could put them. He’s very inventive.”

Honey finally shoved the woman’s arm aside and walked out to the front door. She wrenched it open and stood back. “Get out.”

Cathryn stopped before her. “He likes oral.” She licked her red lips. “Want me to tell you what he tastes like?”

“Get out!” Honey yelled.

“Got any lube?” Cathryn’s eyes looked feverish, taunting. “If not, you’d better get some because you’re going to need it. He likes to fuck a girl hard every which way, including—”

Her words ended with a crack as Honey slapped her across the face. Cathryn stumbled, but before she could draw breath, Honey pushed her out and shut the door behind her.

Cathryn pounded on the door. “Open it, bitch!”

Honey backed away, shaking and breaking out in a cold sweat. Where the hell was Lily?

Cathryn stopped, obviously realising Honey wasn’t going to open the door. “He’s already left one woman at the altar,” she yelled, her voice muffled through the wood. “Aren’t you worried he’s going to do it again?”

The sound of smashing glass filled the air—her windscreen probably, Honey thought wildly. A car started and reversed up the drive. She could still hear the engine roaring as it sped off toward the state highway.

She ran to the bathroom and barely made it to the toilet before she vomited. Again and again she retched, throwing up the contents of her stomach until only bile remained.

Finally, she sank onto the floor. Tears poured down her cheeks. Conscious of the fact that she was losing it—that she was dissolving like a painting caught in the rain—she sank her hands into her hair and said over and over again, “It’s not the end of the world. It’s not the end of the world.”

But it felt like it. And she knew

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