Sweet as Honey (The Seven Sisters) - By Caitlyn Robertson Page 0,47

Dex had kissed her there and protested he loved her only the night before. “What do you want?”

Cathryn surveyed her, eerily calm. “I wanted to see what the competition was like.” Her gaze rested on Honey’s curves and she raised an eyebrow. “He certainly likes them plumper than he used to. Still, tastes change, I guess.”

Refusing to rise to the insult and fighting an urge to cover her stomach with her hands, Honey just raised an eyebrow. “Competition? That implies a contest, that there’s a rivalry between us. That we’re both competing for the affections of the same man. I hardly think that’s the case, do you? Didn’t he leave you at the altar? Or am I mistaken?”

Cathryn’s lips curved with a smug, triumphant smile. “Oh…he hasn’t told you.” Honey refused to ask the question, but Cathryn answered her as if she had spoken. “We went for coffee on Monday.”

Even though her heart seemed to stutter to a halt, Honey just waved a hand. “Goodness. Dex went out for coffee with someone. What a shock. Call the tabloids.”

“A coffee that he clearly didn’t want to tell you about.”

“I don’t expect him to account for every minute of his day.” But Honey’s throat tightened. He hadn’t told her he’d seen Cathryn. Why hadn’t he told her?

“Well, and also having coffee with your ex-girlfriend isn’t the best thing to tell your fiancée.” Cathryn’s eyes glinted. “Especially when it ended with a kiss.”

Honey held her breath.

It wasn’t true. The woman was a born liar and had tried to manipulate Dex into marrying her by saying she was pregnant. She could hardly be trusted. She was a scheming bitch who’d turned up to ruin Dex’s wedding because he’d hurt her and left her.

And yet…Monday. Honey’s brain worked furiously. It made sense.

That was why he’d been weird, and why he hadn’t reacted to her at first last night—why she’d been so certain he was going to call off the wedding. She’d been right. He had been having second thoughts.

So…why had he not finished it then? If it was true and he had—for whatever reason—kissed Cathryn, if he’d suddenly realised it was Cathryn he really loved and he’d decided he couldn’t get married, why had he not said so? She’d given him the opportunity, but in spite of his reticence, he hadn’t looked cold. Only sad. And scared.

He might have seen Cathryn, might even have kissed her, but he loved Honey. That had been obvious the night before. That hadn’t changed. He obviously hadn’t slept with the woman because she would definitely have thrown that in Honey’s face. It must have been a brief kiss, a fleeting weakness. Was she going to throw away her future because of a moment’s stupidity on his part?

Starting to grow dizzy and realising she was still holding her breath, she let it out slowly. For a moment she felt as if she were teetering on the edge of a precipice. One inch further and she would topple to her doom, one inch back and she would be safe. Which way would she fall?

Turning, taking her time, she walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. Then she walked slowly back to lean against the bar. She sipped the water, keeping her gaze fixed on an interested Cathryn. Then she placed the glass on the counter.

“So?” she said.

Cathryn blinked and gave an incredulous laugh. “Jeez, you’re a cold one. You heard what I said, right? He kissed me. And I don’t just mean a peck on the cheek. He thrust his tongue so far in my mouth he could have tasted my tonsils.”

Trying extremely hard not to vomit at the thought of Dex’s mouth kissing those scarlet lips, Honey refused to react. “Yes, I heard you. And now you’ve announced your little revelation, I think you should go.”

Cathryn stood and placed the cup in its saucer with a rattle. “You’re fucking crazy. What woman in her right mind wouldn’t get jealous at the thought of her fiancée kissing someone else?”

“That’s between me and Dex,” Honey said, wondering where Lily was. Had she been able to contact Koru? Where the hell was her brother when she needed him?

Cathryn walked around the sofa to stand a few feet in front of her. “I don’t get it. What the hell does he see in you? You’re cold as a fish. How does he cope with that? You really think you’re going to be able to keep him interested?” She looked genuinely

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