Surviving Regret - Megan Smith Page 0,39

few strands of hair out. I apply just a little makeup and I’m ready to go in twenty minutes. Grabbing my light jacket with the hood since it’s raining, I’m out the door.

The walk is short to Tim’s. When I get there the party is in full swing. Holden is out on the front lawn talking to a bunch of the guys from the team. I look around and don’t see Landon.

“Hey, Macy,” Declan says as I walk past the group.

He’s talked to me a time or two but he never went out of his way to say anything to me before and it takes me a few seconds to catch up.


The rest of the guys turn to look at me. Holden, who is by far the best looking one of the group in front of me, smirks. He nods his chin in a greeting.

I smile and look back to Declan. “Landon in there?”

Declan’s eyes fall to the ground and gives a little nod. A shiver comes over me and I wrap my arms around myself needing the warmth. The protection.


I walk away and I hear one of them say, “Landon’s a fucking idiot.”

I step into the house and my eyes take a second to adjust to the darkness. The bass of the song matches the thump in my chest. I walk into the living room and stand behind the couch looking around for Heather or Landon, hell, even Cash at this point.

My eyes scan the room.

My hands rest on the back of the couch.

My heart is hammering.

I can feel the room shifting.

My body leans against the couch for support.

My hands grip the back of the couch tighter. They turn cold and clammy.

I spot Heather in a corner talking to a few girls. She doesn’t see me just yet.

I see people flowing in and out of the kitchen with their cups full of beer laughing and carrying on.

My breaths start coming in shorter bursts.

Then my eyes spot the number ten jersey. I see his lean body; I would know that figure anywhere. I let my eyes roam down his body. I gasp when I see a pair of tan legs wrapped around his waist.

The music fades.

My heartbeat stops.

All the air from my lungs rushes out.

Landon has some girl pushed up against the wall. His hands are on her thighs under her skirt.

Landon must feel my gaze burning into the back of his head because he turns and his eyes land on me. I let the anger take over. I replace it with the heartache he is causing. He’s cut me deep, so deep once again.

The memories of prom flash through my mind.

Landon moves his hands and her legs fall from around his waist. I see her lips moving but Landon is already walking away. He’s not hearing her or maybe he’s just ignoring her.

I need to get the fuck out of here. I can’t let him near me. I open the front door and step outside. It’s raining harder now. Declan, Holden and the rest of the guys are standing on the porch.

“You okay, Macy?” Declan asks.

It sounds muffled like he’s talking through a tunnel. I look up to the sky. It’s dark like my mood, like my life. Where the fuck is my shining star? Where is my light in this stormy night? Without answering Declan I start running down the stairs on the way to the street. I pull the hood of my jacket up shielding myself from the rain, the cold. The bitterness from the cold slips into me and starts to crystalize the blood pumping through my body. Aiding me in shutting my emotions off, the torment of what I’ve seen, an image that can’t be unseen. How would he feel if these roles were reversed? If that was Holden or Will who had my legs wrapped around their waist, their hands up my skirt. How dare he…how fucking dare he?

A car coming down the street heading in the direction I’m going lights up the street. I step into the street making the car slam on its brakes as they spot me. I take off when I hear the door to Tim’s slam shut. I dash across the street toward the park that I passed on the way here. My heart starts pounding. I hear the swooshing in my ears. Fuck! The park is dark and eerie, somewhere I shouldn’t be by myself. I know this but I go anyway.

Landon catches up to me anyway though. Copyright 2016 - 2024