Surviving Regret - Megan Smith Page 0,28

watch this shit.

I stand and toss my cup in the trashcan. “You leaving?” Jet asks.

“Yeah, he’s not coming back.”

He nods because he knows too.

Heather is sitting on a couch on the other side of the room. I make my way over to her and she tries to look behind me.

I shake my head, “Will you leave with me? I don’t want to walk home by myself.”

Heather stands and adjusts her shirt, “Where’s Landon?”

I look toward the door, “Cash talked to me.”

She sighs loudly, “Alright, let’s go.”

Chapter Three

September 28, 2013


I lost my shit after Cash shoved my shoulder. He was being a prick. Taking it out on Macy wasn’t right but I’m so fucking sick of everything and everybody. I just need an escape. I knew coming to this fucking party was going to be a mistake but I also knew I needed to talk to Macy. It’s not her fault that Cash and I don’t speak. It’s my fault, everything is always my fault. I’m the fuck up.

I storm off outside needing to cool the hell down. Once the cool, fall air hits me I take a deep breath and hold it for as long as I can. I do this two more times but by doing that it sends me in search of the weed I smell. My body craves it.

“Hey, man,” Jack says to me when I walk over to him. He’s the campus stoner, everybody knows this. He’s the one who introduced me to Jay.

I give a little nod in his direction as he offers me his joint. I take a hit and hold it in until my lungs start screaming. I let it out and take another hit doing the same thing before handing it back to him. My blood starts pumping slower, my lungs aren’t working overtime and my head starts to clear.

Looking around I notice a few people staring in my direction, it should bother me but I don’t give a shit. People treat me like I’m a god around here all because I’m a starting wide receiver and I’m having a great fucking season on the team. I hate it. I know in the back of my mind I should worry about these people watching me get high because it could get back to Coach but at this point in time I don’t care. It’s this or beat the shit out of someone. I need this to take the edge off things until I can get home.

Jack offers me another hit and I take it. I need it. I want it. I crave it.

“You alright, man?” Jack asks, taking it back from me again.

I pat him on the shoulder, “Yeah, man. Thanks.”

He nods, “Jay’s here you know.”

At the mention of Jay’s name things stop. I tilt my head to the side, “Where?”

Jack nods his head toward the house, “In there with your girl.”

My face instantly goes red with rage. I can feel it all the way to my bones. Those couple of hits don’t even faze me. Not now. He isn’t talking about Macy though. He’s talking about Madison. No one can ever tell them apart and there isn’t any way he could know that since he’s been out here the whole time I’ve been with Macy in the house.

I set out to find out what the fuck Madison is doing with Jay at a party of all places. I’ve told her to stay the fuck away from him so many fucking times I feel like a broken fucking record. I push the back door open and look to the spot where I left Macy. She’s gone. I feel bad that I just left her but I needed to cool off.

I catch Madison out of the corner of my eye and I stalk straight toward her. She’s walking down a hallway with Jay tugging her along. When I reach her, I grab her elbow and give a little tug.

“What the fuck?” Madison says whipping her head around.

Jay reaches toward his back but stops when he sees that it’s me. He was probably ready to pull his gun out.

Madison places a hand on his chest, “Go ahead in the room I’ll be right there,” she tells Jay.

Jay doesn’t say a word but stares me down before walking into the room.

I don’t let go of Madison’s arm, “I thought I told you to stay the fuck away from him, Madison. He’s bad fucking news and he’s going to fucking ruin you.”

She wrenches her arm back, Copyright 2016 - 2024