Surviving Regret - Megan Smith Page 0,27


Landon groans, “Don’t listen to her, ever.” I lift my head. “You only do that shit when I’m with you. If not, I can’t promise not to beat the shit out of every guy who looks at you.”

My Landon is back for just the briefest of moments but it’s enough to give me a slight hope that one day, someday, we’ll find our way back to each other.

Landon and I gravitate to the kitchen away from the thumping of the music. He’s telling me about the game and what I missed. I let him tell me because I just want to hear him talk, I just want his attention, I don’t want to share him with anyone else right now. I don’t tell him I watched every second of it on T.V.

Things for the moment are back to normal with us. Whatever the fuck our normal is, I guess. There is no denying our attraction for each other but there is a mountain between us. I want to go down one side while he wants to go down the other.

Landon’s eyes go cold and his body suddenly stiffens.

Someone clears their throat behind us and I mentally scream because I know it’s Cash. And here I thought things were going so good.

I turn in Landon’s arms and he brings my back flush against his chest. He’s staking his claim to Cash.

Cash looks directly at me never even acknowledging Landon, “I’m outta here. I’ll talk to you later.”

All of a sudden I feel cold, something’s wrong with Cash. “Alright.”

When Cash steps around us he bumps Landon’s shoulder so hard his back hits the wall. Landon pushes himself from the wall, visibly pissed with Cash and throws his arms in the air, “He’s lucky I don’t kick his quarterback ass!” He yells loud enough for Cash to hear, but it doesn’t stop Cash or even cause him to turn around. In typical Cash fashion, he holds up his middle finger before disappearing into the crowd.

I push back on Landon’s chest, “Settle down, he didn’t mean it.” Then I nod my head in my sister’s direction. I found out the problem.

Landon grips my arms and moves me from his embrace. “I don’t give a fuck if he can’t handle Madison. Maybe he should just leave her the fuck alone and while he’s at it I wish he would fucking leave you alone too.”

Landon storms off before I can even get a word out. People are looking at me, me, not him. Landon Hayes, number ten, wide receiver can do no wrong around here. Fuck it that Cash and him are the ones with the issues.

I’ve learned my lesson years ago with Landon. When he’s pissed just let him go. He just needs to cool off, work whatever the hell is wrong out and then he’ll come back around. Just like he did when Cash high-fived me. I know deep down inside that he isn’t coming back anytime soon tonight though. He walked off in the direction of the stoners who are hanging out back. He’s promised me over and over again he was done with that shit but clearly he isn’t.

Jet Johnson, a tight end from the team, gets up from his seat and gives me a little nod. I smile and take the seat he just vacated.

“You know you aren’t the only one who deals with that shit, right?” he asks me.

No, I don’t really know because Landon doesn’t talk about much of anything with me. “Well, that makes everything all better, huh?” That came out a little bitchier than I wanted it to and I know he was just being nice but I’m fucking tired of this shit. He’s pissed and I didn’t even do a damn thing.

Jet smiles, “They could be fist fighting every day.” His smile widens. “Now that’s something I’d pay to see.”

I try not to laugh but it’s either that or cry right now. I finish my beer hoping that Landon would come back before I’m finished. It’s a long shot but whatever.

My eyes land on my sister across the room. She’s standing there with that guy Jay I’ve heard about. She looks uncomfortable as he gets closer and closer to her. I watch the two of them wondering what in the hell she’s doing with him. He’s bad fucking news.

Jay reaches for Madison’s hand and they disappear into the crowd. My sister is a fucking idiot. I need to get the hell out of here, I can’t Copyright 2016 - 2024