Succubus Dreams Page 0,76

know. I hope not. Those crazy bitches seemed pretty smug, so they're probably hoping for some opportunity to pull a power play out of all this. You know how they are. could probably go to them for help with all this."

I could...but if Jerome had something weird going on, I didn't want to get enmeshed with his lieutenants and possibly be used in some way. The two demonesses worked for him but would seize any chance for promotion, and when political tremors shook our world, everyone was quick to exploit everyone else.

"I'll hold out for the angels," I said. "As long as I can space out my energy fixes, there shouldn't be a problem. If I can't find Carter and friends in another day or so, I'll think about talking to Grace and Hiroko."

"I can get a hold of him if you really need it," said Hugh.

I smiled at the uneasy tone in his voice. "Yeah, but your instructions were to avoid bothering him at all costs, right?"

The imp nodded.

"It's okay. I'll wait on the angels. If I have to go to Grace and Hiroko, they can be the ones to decide if it's worth interrupting Jerome for. I mean, the evidence is pretty solid...but, well, if we're wrong, and it turns out to be nothing...

Jerome's going to be pissed that I bothered him based on the word of two humans."

"Pissed at all of us."

"Yeah." I idly picked holes in my sandwich with the toothpick that held it together.

"Are you scared?" asked Hugh. "Of Nyx?"

"Yeah. I am. I don't like the idea of anything invading my sleep. Certainly not something that powerful. That guy I mentioned - Dante - is going to try to make me a charm or something to ward her away."

Hugh snorted. "No human can make a charm like that."

"He's a magician. He said he could."

"Sweetie. Nyx is a fucking deity - no, more than that. An uber-deity. A force of the universe that was instrumental in creation. She's been weakened over time, yeah, but some strung-out, psychic sham can't make a charm powerful enough to scare her off. There are probably only a handful of humans in the world who could, and to get that kind of power..." Hugh shook his head. "I don't know. Based on what you've told me, I'm just not seeing it."

I'd had my own doubts about Dante, but I'd thus far managed to push them aside and keep hoping for the best. Hearing Hugh, I felt all of my misgivings return.

"Fuck," I said.

Silence fell as we munched on our sandwiches a bit. Rain fell outside, and hungry customers ducked in to avoid it. Hugh watched a cute brunette order at the counter, then he turned his attention back to me.

"Any idea when Niphon's leaving?"

I frowned. "Whenever Tawny gets a victim."

Now Hugh frowned. "But she did, didn't she?"

"Did she?"

"I don't know. That's what Simon said. Or at least, he thought she did. He said she was up there dancing with a glow a couple nights ago. Made up for the shitty job she was doing."

A couple nights ago...

"No...that's impossible. I saw her right around then, and she still hadn't taken anybody. She was so low, I had to kiss her again. He's wrong."

"Maybe she got a glow from the kiss." Hugh sounded kind of hopeful. "You use a lot of tongue?"

"It wasn't that big of a kiss. No glow. Just enough to get by."

"Huh." He swirled the ice around in his Diet Coke. "I guess Simon was wrong. Figured he'd be good at spotting that stuff."

I would have thought so too. "Hugh...this is going to sound weird, but I think Tawny may be faking how inept she is."

He looked rightfully startled. "Why the fuck would she do that?"

"I don't know. I think it's to help Niphon. But none of this makes sense. This is the second time I've heard of her possibly getting a fix, but then I've seen her shortly thereafter, and she was way too low to have burned through so much so quickly."

"Maybe she's got your problem."

"I have a lot of problems."

"Your Nyx problem. Maybe Tawny's losing her energy too."

Whoa. Interesting idea. And why not? If Nyx was preying on one succubus, why not two? And it would explain how Tawny was losing energy so quickly. Except...

"If Nyx is taking her energy, that means she's actually getting it to begin with. But Tawny keeps telling me she isn't having sex."

"Huh. A servant of Hell lying. Go figure."

"Yeah, but Copyright 2016 - 2024