Succubus Dreams Page 0,75

the frame, I noticed a crease in the photograph. I don't know what made me do it, but I picked the frame up and pulled the picture out. The right-hand third of the photo had been folded, obscuring another person who had been with Erik and the woman. Dante.

I looked up in surprise. Dante took the picture and frame from me and reassembled them. "There's no time for this, succubus."

"But - "

"We have more important things to deal with than your own curiosity right now."

I cast an uneasy look at Erik's closed bedroom door. Dante was right. "Do you think you could maybe..."

Dante sighed, anticipating my question. "Yes, succubus. I'll check in on him today."

For a moment, I thought I saw something in his face...something that wasn't just him grudgingly humoring me. Like that maybe - maybe - he cared about Erik too. It was weird, but then, they'd all looked pretty happy in the photograph. The worst enemies were often those who had been friends. This Erik-Dante puzzle just got weirder and weirder.

I started to turn away, then Dante called, "Oh, hey. I can probably make your charm, now that we know what this is."

Hope surged up in me at the thought of finally having safe dreams again. "Really?"

"If you still want me to," he added warily.

I presumed he was subtly referencing my skepticism - which hadn't entirely abated. Still, now that I had a name for my predator, I was more anxious than ever to take whatever protection I could get. "Definitely. If you think it'll work."

"In theory, at least. Nyx isn't exactly a run-of-the-mill spirit. I'll see what I can do."

I drove Seth back to his condo, anxious to let him off, so I could do some searching. "I have to go find the angels," I told him. "I'll catch up to you later."

" movie tonight?"

"I - what? Oh, damn it." I'd forgotten about the plans we'd made. He'd gotten tickets for an indie movie that was showing one night only here. "I'm sorry...I really am..."

"Well," said Seth wryly, "considering life and death are literally on the line, I think I can forgive it this time."

"You know what you should do? You should take Maddie. You still owe her a date."

He smiled. "I have the best girlfriend in the world, always trying to push me into the arms of another woman."

"I'm serious! She's feeling unwanted. She thinks you don't like her."

"I like her a lot. The whole thing is just weird, that's all. I think I'm going to see if Terry can go to the movie. Don't give me that look," he warned. "I'll still take her somewhere. Just not to this."

We kissed good-bye, and Seth promised to check on me later. Once he was gone, I set out to find my guardian angels.


Finding them wasn't so easy. No one was at my apartment, and Vincent didn't answer his phone. I drove down to the Cellar, hoping maybe they'd all decided to start drinking mid-day. Nope. The pub was barren, with only a couple bored patrons sitting at the bar.

Frustrated, I called Hugh, deciding it was time to get help from my own resources.

"Is Jerome back yet?"

"No," the imp said. "Do you need him?"

"Kind of."

"Kind of?"

"It's a long story."

"I'm in the city for a meeting. You want to have lunch and explain? I'm practically down the street from your place. I'll meet you there, and we'll go eat."

It was the first time I'd talked to Hugh since the blowup at Peter's over Seth and me. I was still reeling from all that, but I did kind of want to get feedback from another immortal source. Besides, I was rapidly running out of options.

It only took ten minutes for him to show up, but it felt like an hour.

"Holy shit," said Hugh, spotting the Christmas trees when he walked in. "Your apartment's a national park."

"Be quiet."

"I'm serious. You need a ranger working in here."

"Come on. Let's go."

We walked to a deli down the street. Once we were seated with our food, I began explaining to him why I needed Jerome. By the time I finished the Nyx story, Hugh's mirth had faded.

"Fuck," he said, biting into an enormous Reuben. "That might be worth bugging Jerome after all."

"Where is he?" I asked. "Another training?"

Hugh shrugged. "Not entirely sure. He was vague about it. Grace and Hiroko insinuated he's having 'a personality conflict' with another demon and went to settle it."

"Oh, God," I said. "Not a duel?"

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