Studfinder (Busy Bean #5) - L.B. Dunbar Page 0,85

a computer. The fundraising efforts seem like something Nolan would be good at organizing, and the youth group, which is a bit of a surprise, could really do Nolan some good.

“This isn’t a sentence,” Rita clarifies. “It’s effort. Nolan will get out of it what he puts into it.”

“And Nolan can speak for himself,” he interjects, narrowing his eyes up at Rita. Rita softly chuckles and shakes her head at my brother. They aren’t friends, but I can see she’s trying. She’d done more than a friend might do. She did what I asked, and then she took it one step further. She’s put her faith in Nolan, too.

“Rita says you’ll be leaving the area,” Nolan mentions, changing the subject.

“I explained how you’d like to move out of state, but I can’t place you on our sites in New Hampshire yet. We have a new project up in Gaskin,” Rita clarifies.

“You’re really moving away?” Nolan questions, his voice lowering with regret.

My eyes leap up to Rita. “I’m undecided.”

Her lips purse, ignoring my comment, and she pats Nolan on the shoulder. “Well, Nolan, it’s good to have you here.”

“Yeah, I need to get going. I have that meeting next.” Nolan sets his hands on his wheels, but I step before him. My hands lift, stopping my brother’s retreat.

“What meeting?” I ask, fear creeping over my skin. Is this another setup for Nolan to turn himself in? What is Rita playing at?

“Rita found me a therapist.”

Slowly, I lower my raised arms. “Why?”

Nolan looks up at Rita once more and then back at me. “I need someone to talk to.” Shame fills his voice as he twists his lips, but there’s nothing shameful in seeking help.

“I-I’m proud of you for this.”

“Yeah?” Nolan’s head lifts higher, and he visibly swallows before glancing back at Rita once more. Then a shield drifts back over his pleased expression, and he stiffens his jaw. He’s scared, and I don’t blame him. It’s difficult to accept he’s done wrong. “Okay. I’ll see ya around.”

I step out of Nolan’s way, and he rolls past me to his car. For a few minutes, I watch him work his way down the drive and then open his door, maneuvering himself with the aid of the door. Everything in me wants to rush forward and assist him. Wants to take over and help him. Protect him.

“He’s going to be okay,” Rita states, and I turn back to her, squinting in the bright sunshine.

“How do you know?” The question seeks reassurance. Will Nolan find what he needs? Will he not feel as if he’s been left behind? Will he repent what he’s done? Will he find forgiveness for himself? The questions seem endless, and genuine concern still exists because he is my brother.

“I believe in second chances. This is his.” Rita gives me a weak smile before turning around and returning to her crossover, where the passenger door remained open. A laptop sits on the seat along with a file box on the floor. Rita needs a real office, and I might know the perfect place for it.

As the week comes to a close, the project receives its final touches. Saturday is the big reveal for the family and Rita has invited me to join them even though Saturday isn’t a mandatory day for me. I was expecting a large bus blocking the building like those emotional extreme makeover shows or maybe a big barrier, separated by the fixer-upper hosts. In prison, we watched a lot of random television. But the truth is, Jackie and Bob park down the street and are guided to the house with hands over their eyes. It’s a bit comical but also exciting.

The couple stands side by side clutching hands. Their son sits in his wheelchair while their daughter stands beside him, covering his eyes with her hand. He chuckles as he keeps trying to swat it away, and his sister demands her hand block his sight. Sullivan Vance is present along with Alfred Jennings, the officially former director of Building Buddies. Nolan is here as well.

“Jackie and Bob, are you ready to see your new home?” Rita even sounds like a television host, announcing the big reveal, and I find I’m actually holding my breath, hoping they like what they’ll see. I hope this house will recover all they’ve lost and offer them a future. I hope it brings them peace.

My eyes don’t leave Rita as she tells them to remove their hands. The air actually stills Copyright 2016 - 2024