Studfinder (Busy Bean #5) - L.B. Dunbar Page 0,84

my exit. His eyes follow me as I near him.

“Why would you do this?” He pauses. “Why would you give me this job, this service?”

Taking a deep breath, I exhale before stating the truth.

“Because I believe in second chances. Good people make bad decisions all the time. And because I’m in love with your brother.”

I step left, hoping to go around Nolan, finding there’s just enough space to squeeze past the chair. As I attempt my move, Nolan catches my wrist to stop me beside him.

“He didn’t move in with you?” The question is the first sign of reluctance I’ve heard from Nolan.

“Did he tell you he was?”

“No. I just assumed he was going to your place. When he moved out, he told me he picked you.”

“Picked me?” I scoff. I hadn’t spoken to Jake in days.

“He said he’d choose you every time.” It sounds sweet, but it’s completely untrue. However, I didn’t wish to argue with Nolan.

“Monday,” I warn, dread filling me that Nolan won’t show, and Jake will know how his brother feels about him.



It’s another Monday, and we have one week left to finalize this house. I’m not part of the final touches inside, so I’m commissioned to work on the landscaping. A ramp has been made to accommodate the owner’s son, who has multiple medical concerns. His room is my favorite. The special lamp I made for him worked, and it was hung near his bed. The interior decorator really liked it and commissioned me for a few other lamps and lanterns.

I’m already working outside the house when something catches my eye, or rather, someone working a wheelchair up the new driveway.

“Nolan?” I stand to face my brother before glancing across the property to Rita, who’s planting flowers where we’ve already secured new bushes. Rita stands from her kneeling position and removes her work gloves. She swipes her hands on her jeans and walks over to Nolan.

What the hell? I tug off my own gloves, dismissing Sullivan’s glare, and cross the yard to where Rita has approached my brother.

“Nolan, what’s going on?” I address him first, finding it strange that he’d come to the work site. I’m also a bit concerned as he sought me out here of all places. I don’t need my family drama mixing with my parole.

Nolan sheepishly glances at me before looking up at Rita. “I’m here to accept your offer, if it still stands.”

Rita slowly grins, chewing at the corner of her lips for a second before straightening her expression to look stern. “You’re late.”

Nolan lowers his eyes and sighs before answering. “I was lost.”

My head is so busy moving back and forth between the two of them I’m not certain what to focus on. The fact Nolan is here. The fact Rita is smiling. Just what the hell is happening?

Reaching out a hand to Nolan’s shoulder, Rita responds. “We’ve all been there.”

Again, my gaze is moving from one of them to the other. “I don’t understand,” I state, but neither of them looks at me.

“Let’s get to work,” Rita says to Nolan before glancing over at me. “Jake, get back to work.” Her demand is soft but still commanding before she addresses Nolan once more.

“Let’s step into my temporary office.” She chuckles as she tips her head toward her crossover and leads Nolan toward the vehicle. I’m frozen in place on the pavement, watching my brother wheel behind Rita. Her head twists to make certain Nolan follows her, and then her body shifts so she can look at me as she walks backward.

“Thank you,” I mouth to her.

“Anytime, handsome.” Rita salutes me with two fingers at her forehead before lowering her gaze to my brother and offering him another smile.

Watching Rita interact with my brother for a moment, a presence comes to my side.

“She’s good people,” Sullivan states beside me, pride filling his voice, along with desire. I haven’t missed how Sullivan tracks Rita, just as I do when she’s on-site.

“She’s the best of women,” I mutter, having stated the same thing to Rita once. I don’t deserve her, and Nolan certainly doesn’t deserve her kindness either.

A half hour later, Nolan starts to wheel away from Rita, and I drift over to him. “What’s happening?”

Nolan explains the job offer Rita’s given him. Rita has stepped up to listen and occasionally nods at Nolan’s explanation.

“Does this arrangement have a time limit?” I question, glancing up at Rita, shocked by all I’ve learned. The social media work Nolan can easily do from Copyright 2016 - 2024