Studfinder (Busy Bean #5) - L.B. Dunbar Page 0,42

better cool down or I’ll do something even more embarrassing like take her along this path. Although I’m not thoroughly opposed to the idea, I don’t want any passersby to see Rita in all her glory. I’m reserving that for only me.

“How do you feel about fishing?” I finally ask, pulling back with a final tug of her bottom lip before ending the kiss.

“Is that a euphemism for playing with your pole?”

“If it is, I like your thoughts, but I was thinking of actually fishing.”

Rita is still tucked against my chest, and her eyes sparkle up at me. “I’m in,” she states.

Slipping my arm over her shoulders, I lead us back in the direction of where I parked the truck, feeling for the first time in a long time like kissing a pretty girl under the afternoon sun might be proof of second chances.

After an afternoon of fishing, Rita invites me to dinner, and I’m grateful as I’m not ready to leave her yet. It’s nice to be outside the house I share with my brother and away from the building project. It feels like it could be any other day, although it’s not. I have Rita to share the time with me.

We end up working together in her kitchen to make a simple meal of roasted chicken and potatoes as well as steamed green beans and carrots.

“I don’t typically cook like this for myself,” she admits. “It’s too much effort for one.”

The comment reminds me Rita’s been alone for a while.

“I’d like to ask about Ian, but if you don’t want to talk about him, I understand.”

“What do you want to know?” Her eyes remain on the carrot she’s chopping.

“You were engaged, and something happened.”

“He died.” She says it so fast and sharp, the thrust of the knife through the carrot to the cutting board matches her tone.

“I’m sorry.”

Rita shrugs, not glancing up from chopping, and I slowly round the kitchen island. There have been updates to this large home which is too big for a single person. Coming up behind her, I cover her wrist with my hand.

“Stop.” Rita stills her rapid slicing, and I press my nose into the crook of her neck. “You don’t have to share if you’d rather not.”

“It’s just difficult to talk about, but I’ve actually been meaning to ask you something. I just didn’t know how to bring it up. I don’t even know if I want to discuss it.”

The ominous tone raises the hairs on the back of my neck. “Ask me anything.”

“Ian died in a fire. I was wondering if you worked on his case.”

Suddenly, the air around me fills with heaviness. “I don’t know. I don’t recall every case, but if you give me more details, I can try to remember.”

“He was—” Her phone vibrates on the counter, and Rita glances over at it. With my arms still around her waist, she reaches for the device and answers. “Hey, Scarlett.”

A feminine voice filters through the phone, and I shift to release Rita from my hold, but she catches my forearm around her middle, and I still.

“I’m with Jake.” Her voice softens as she says my name, and I’m assuming her friend knows a bit about me. I’m curious what she’s told her, and I smile into the curve of her neck again. Tenderly, I pepper her skin with kisses before reaching the shell of her ear and nipping at it. Rita tips her head against mine, and a smile fills her voice.

“Yes,” she says at first.


“Not yet.” She giggles.


“Okay, next weekend.” She laughs again and then hangs up after saying, “Bye.”

“Scarlett?” I murmur into Rita’s neck, working my way to her shoulder and tugging her shirt to the side to suck a trail along her skin.

“She’s my best friend and wanted to know if I wanted to go to the farmers’ market next weekend.”

“That was a short conversation. Why were you giggling?”

“I don’t giggle,” she retorts, and I spread my hands over her belly, digging in my fingertips. Rita lets out a squeal and then that heavy snort she has on occasion.

“That sounded like a giggle.”

“I sound like a piglet,” she says, spinning in my arms and imitating the snort that escapes her on occasion.

“Here, piggy, piggy,” I tease to her face, rubbing my nose against hers before pressing my lips to hers. Her arms wrap around my shoulders. “Tell me what she said that made you blush.”

“She asked me if you were the same Jake I might have Copyright 2016 - 2024