Studfinder (Busy Bean #5) - L.B. Dunbar Page 0,41

care of him ever since.”

“That’s a lot of pressure,” Rita states, glancing up at me.

“I’ve put it on myself.” I weakly smile, knowing the truth. No one other than myself made me feel that I had to care for Nolan or help my mother. “It’s in my nature to take care of things.” Of course, I messed up when it came to going to jail.

“Maybe it’s time to take care of only you,” Rita says, reaching forward for my arm.

“Maybe,” I state, although I’m not certain how that would work. I’ve done a bang-up job of handling myself over the last seven years.

“I told you before I believe in second chances. This is yours.” Rita gives me an encouraging smile. “Apply for a loan. Get a restoration grant. There are options if that firehouse is what you really want. Would you live there or use it as a business?”

Sheepishly, I look away from her, taking a step forward to suggest I’d like to keep walking. “I’m undecided.” Although, I’m not actually. I’m just not ready to share my thoughts with Rita.

“You’ll figure it out,” she says, her voice full of encouragement as well. “You’ve already figured out everything else in your life. Why not this?”

I huff and nod, taking in her words. I’m not certain I believe her, but the confidence she has in me is refreshing. It would be nice to have a woman like Rita have faith in me.

Eventually, we come across a covered bridge crossing a narrow portion of the river.

“Don’t you love a covered bridge? They’re so romantic.” Rita sighs. It’s the first time I’ve heard her sound so wistful. I’ve also not given covered bridges much thought.

“Fan of romance, are you?”

Rita chuckles. “Once upon a time, but then happily ever after didn’t happen.” Her voice lowers. “I guess I believe in it for other people but not myself.”

I want to ask her what happened to him. What happened to her Ian? But I also don’t want to know. I don’t want to bring her sob story into this date, even if her thoughts skip to him at the moment.

Stepping up to Rita, I grab her hand and tug her forward.

“What the heck?” she hollers as I pull her along, forcing her to run with me up the short incline and under the covering of the bridge. Once the shadow of the wooden structure covers us, I spin to face her.

“Holy cow, handsome. You nearly pulled my arm from its socket.” Rita laughs, but her laughter is quickly captured by my mouth on hers. Our lips connect as I cup her nape and tug her to me, swallowing down the last dregs of her chuckle. She molds against me, and I walk her backward until her back connects with the inside of the bridge wall. Continuing to kiss her, I angle her head just so. So I can deepen the kiss. So I can invade her mouth with my tongue. So I can give her the romance she deserves under a covered bridge.

We kiss with heavy groans and hitching moans. My body grinds against hers. With one leg between her thighs, I rock my hip, pressing my hard length against her soft center. My hand reaches for a breast, kneading the firm swell, pinching the nipple peaked through her shirt. We’re frantic for each other, making out like two kids stealing a moment. Only, I want all her moments.

I need to touch her skin and wonder briefly if I’ll ever take Rita in a bed. My hand tucks under her shirt, finding her side warm from our exertion and the afternoon sunshine. Traveling north on her body, I almost connect my fingers with the silky fabric of her bra when a truck horn interrupts us. We break apart, and I look up as a pickup enters the bridge.

“Go get her, son,” the driver calls out. If we don’t get out from under the narrow confines of the bridge, he isn’t going to be able to pass us.

With laughter on our lips, I drag Rita back out from under the bridge and down the slope again. The truck honks once more after exiting the wood structure, and Rita tucks her head into my shoulder.

“That was embarrassing.” She rolls her forehead on my collarbone.

“Damn, I was hoping for romantic.”

Her head pops, and blue eyes meet mine. “Oh. Oh, it was that, too.” A slow smile curls her swollen lips, and I take them once more before deciding we Copyright 2016 - 2024