Studfinder (Busy Bean #5) - L.B. Dunbar Page 0,29

inside me.

“What are you doing?” My voice chokes as the tension builds. He might be only semi-hard, but he’s quickly recovering.

“I want to feel you, sweet. Come alive on me.”

Come alive. It’s exactly how I feel. It’s not that I’ve been dead inside or even numb, but I haven’t felt this electrified in years. Maybe not ever, if I’m honest. Jake works at my tender nub and rocks into me, restoring his hard-on. The sound of us coming together, along with the intense friction he places on that spot, sets me off. My toes curl as everything rushes to my center and bursts. With my back arched and my head tipped back, Jake follows once more and then collapses over me.

As he breathes heavily into my neck, I wrap my arms around him.

“I thought I’d be too old for that to happen, but I couldn’t help myself.”

I softly chuckle. I’m not sure if there’s a compliment in that confession, but then Jake pops up on his elbows, his face only an inch from mine. He drags his nose along mine and closes his eyes.

“Thank you for giving that to me.” His whisper is just as tender as all his touches. The words are a kiss against my lips. I feel the same way. I’m grateful for what he’s given me—at least for a few precious minutes.



The slam of a truck door has me jolting awake, and it takes me a second to register where I am. I’m covered by a drop cloth on a couch, naked as the day I was born underneath it, and alone. My thoughts catch up to me.

Rain. Rita. Sex.

My head twists, and the bright sunlight blinds me. It’s morning, and the rain is finished for the moment.

Another slam sounds like the release of a tailgate, and everything flips in my head.

Naked. Work. Sunshine.

Quickly, I roll out from under the covering, scrambling for my clothing piled beside the couch. Keeping low to the ground, I slip into my underwear and pants. My fingers shake as I rush to redress, needing more time and a stiff cup of coffee. My shirt comes next, and I tug it over my head, smoothing down the smelly, wrinkled front of a day-old tee. I skip the flannel and pop up to the couch, forcing my feet into my boots as Sullivan walks in the front door. The entrance opens directly into the living room, and I’m the first thing Sullivan sees.


“Hey,” I croak, my voice rough. Where the fuck is Rita? Panic sets in. Did she leave me? Is she still here somewhere? I reach for my phone on the floor. There’s a blow-up of text messages. I ignore the ones from my brother and note the final message from my probation supervisor.

Shit. Shit! I had a meeting this morning, and I missed it.

Quickly, I stand and follow Sullivan’s eyes to something on the floor. My wallet lays open on the ground, along with a condom wrapper and the spent rubber.

“Sully, I—"

He holds up a hand. His mouth falls open, and then his lids shut tight. I know what he’s thinking, or perhaps who he’s thinking of. I choke on my tongue, wanting to defend myself but not expose Rita. I’m thinking she wouldn’t be pleased if I shared what happened. What we did isn’t anyone’s business. She might not even be pleased it happened with me. Fighting off images of last night, I lower for the garbage and tuck it into my pocket.

Sullivan shakes his head before his lids open and turns his gaze out the open front door. Sunlight streams into the room, and I wonder again when the rain stopped. I was lost in Rita last night. In her laughter. In her kiss. Inside her. Swiping a hand over my face, I find her scent lingers on my fingers. Shit.

As Sullivan stares out the door, Rita’s SUV appears in the soaked front yard. She exits her vehicle looking fresh as a spring morning and smiling just as brightly. Coming up to the house, she’s wearing her boots with jeans today.

“Hiya, handsome,” she greets Sullivan, and a sledgehammer hits my chest. Apparently, calling me handsome isn’t something special. Not that it should matter. It doesn’t matter. What Rita and I had was only one night, right?

“Hey. We have a problem,” Sullivan mutters as Rita enters the house to see me standing like a dumbass next to the couch. Her expression falls. She had to know I was still Copyright 2016 - 2024