Studfinder (Busy Bean #5) - L.B. Dunbar Page 0,28

to cover himself. He’s such a handsome man. Those cheekbones. Those dancing eyes. Those puffy lips. When he settles between me once more, he notices a tear trickles free.

Jake reaches for the wet drop with his thumb, wiping it clean but doesn’t mention it. His hand lowers, stroking down my side, taking his time to outline my body, which is nothing spectacular. I’m not curvy or straight; I’m just me. Jake travels back up my side to my armpit, then presses his open palm down the underside of my arm. He pushes my elbow upward, forcing my arm over my head as he coasts his hand along my forearm to my wrist. Eventually, he clasps my hand, linking our fingers together.

I feel strangely treasured by his touch and this final detail. Holding me, he balances up on a knee and positions himself at my entrance.

“Are you sure, sweet?”

I nod and feel the slow pressure of him enter me. He leans forward and licks at a second tear rolling to my hairline.

“Relax,” he whispers as he enters me, filling me in a way I haven’t been filled in a long, long time. Sliding inward, he’s so gentle, I swear I feel every ridge and ripple until he’s to the hilt. Pausing when he’s buried within me, he clutches my fingers tight and returns his mouth to mine, kissing me tenderly once more. My heart races as his tongue strokes over mine, savoring the seconds before I can’t take it anymore.

“You can move,” I mutter under his lips, softly chuckling.

“It’s been a long time for me, too, and I’m almost afraid to.” His eyes glance from one to the other of mine, taking in my face and brushing back my hair. “This could be over embarrassingly fast.”

“How long has it been for you?” It’s an awkward time to ask, but I’m curious as he went out with Louisa. I don’t dare ask if he slept with her specifically. I don’t even want to know if he kissed her.

“Seven years,” he admits, his voice low and quiet. We’ve gone from rousing dance partners to whisper-soft lovers. Seven years is a long time. In his case, I suppose he hasn’t had much of a choice. Jake kisses me again and mutters directly to my lips. “I feel as if I’ve been waiting for this exact moment for seven long years.”

His hips shift, and he pulls back, teasing me at my entrance before sliding forward with deliberately slow movements once more. We both moan as he continues to hold my hand like he’s holding on for dear life, but the dam has broken, and at any second, we’re both about to lose control.

“Gotta move,” he strains as he balances on an elbow while continuing to grip my hand. His hips jut back, and then he rushes forward. A few more thrusts matched by my reaction, and he moves his free hand to the back of the couch, pressing himself upward. He slips a leg off the cushions, placing one foot on the floor. The position forces my leg up over his hip, causing me to open wider to him. He’s got a Spiderman appearance happening, as his limbs spread in all directions while pinning me in place. And then he really moves. He moves like he dances. Hips thrusting. Legs flexing. With his dick thick and long, he’s tapping me in a way I’ve never been tapped, and he lowers his gaze, watching himself disappear inside me.

“You’re so . . . it’s so . . . Oh God, sweet. Oh God.”

He hammers harder, rocking faster. When he pistons into me, the entire couch quakes, and the plastic underneath us somewhere below the drop cloth crinkles. It isn’t exactly how or where or who I thought I’d have sex with after all this time, but I wouldn’t change one second of this experience.

Because Jake Drummond is an experience.

The way he moves. The way he squeezes my hand. The way he falls apart, slamming into me a final time, giving me every pulse, every pump, all the pressure of seven years. I’ve been waiting for this exact moment. Stilled in this sprawled position, he lowers only his head and kisses me hard. Lips meld together. Tongues crash and twirl. If I didn’t know better, I’d think Jake was claiming me for the next seven years.

He releases my hand and moves it between us. Instantly, he’s stroking me, circling my clit, and brushing the slickness while he’s still Copyright 2016 - 2024