Stroke It - Brooke Page Page 0,43

you be okay for a minute?”

She smiled at him and waved. “Take your time, I’m going to scroll through my phone for a bit.”

I tapped the threshold of the door while Scooter and Calvin left, Calvin sure to give me a wink in passing.

Taking a deep breath, I went to her, tugging my lip ring with my teeth while sitting on the coffee table across from her.

Her legs were crossed, the tiny skirt barely covering her tanned skin. I swallowed before opening my mouth to talk to her, but she beat me to it.

“Jet, if you don’t have anything nice to say, you shouldn’t say anything at all,” she sighed, keeping her eyes on her phone.

My knee bounced slightly before I made my move. “I was actually going to give you a compliment.”

Her brows lifted from the screen.

I ran my hands through my hair, flexing them against the back of my neck. “You sang really well today, and I’m sorry for being a jerk.”

She flipped her phone so the screen was facing down. “Wow.”

“Wow, what?”

A slow smile crept across her face. “Never thought I’d hear those two words in one sentence coming out of your mouth.”

My lip curled. “Don’t get used to it.’

“The compliments? Or you apologizing?”

“Both.” My hands fell from my neck to my knees. “I have this weird habit of being a dick to people I like. Thankfully, my band mates get it.”

“So, you’re saying, when you’re being nice to me, that’s when I should worry?”

Against my better judgement, I reached out and set my hand on her bare knee, tracing my thumb along the smooth skin of her thigh.

She sat up straighter, no longer slouching into the fluffy couch cushions.

“I’m not sure how we could do this.” I said, my breath becoming heavier.

She leaned forward, her legs still crossed. “I’m not sure either.”

Licking my lips, I stared at her mouth, remember how delicious she tasted.

“Jet,” she murmured, leaning closer. “I want-”

“Hey, Raina, you ready?” Scooter interrupted as he walked through the door, Calvin hot on his heals. His smile faded for a moment, then came back as fast as Regan knocked my hand from her knee and stood from the couch. She was flustered, her chest pumping as fast as mine.

What did she want?

“I’ll see you at sound check tomorrow,” she said stiffly, breezing past Scooter and Calvin.

I jumped up from the table, not bothering to say goodbye to her.

Scooter followed Regan, while Calvin stood in the hallway, throwing his arms in the air and mouthing, sorry.

I let out a groan, then muffled louder into my hands. That woman was maddening, and I couldn’t wrap my head around her.

Doing what I did best, I distracted myself. Thankfully, I’d booked the recording studio for an extra few hours after our time slot. I wanted to work on Maddie’s birthday song. I was for once satisfied with the lyrics, and needed to record them and upload the MP3 for her personal collection of songs by her big brother.

Grabbing my acoustic guitar, I began setting up the room so I could play. It would take me a longer than normal since I was by myself, but I never shared my experience with Maddie’s songs. They were personal, and I wanted them to be for her ears only, giving her the choice to share them if she wanted.

Taking a deep breath, I tapped the record button, and began strumming the melody. It was softer than my normal hard rock self, no heavy beats or death metal screams. It would sound poppy to most, but I didn’t care.

You capture my soul with just the wave of your long brown hair,

Green eyes sparkling as I stare,

Wondering what goes on through your mind.

And I try, to turn back time,

Erase the pain and helplessness,

The cries that seem to pass the time.

But I know, deep down, you always loved me.

You always love me, for me…

My heart was pounding in my chest, my eyes squinted closed as I sang. The memories were so hard to relive, and they would never get easier.

But how can I forget?

All the sorrow I created.

And how can I erase the time I’ve taken…

But then you smile,

Like you’ve never been mistaken…

So green-eyed girl,

Keep smiling for me.

Keep giving me some sense of your peace

Keep loving me for me,

Because I can’t let it go,

I’ll never let it go…

Keep on going for me.

My eyelashes fluttered open, a tear threatening to fall. I’d have to break and refocus. That was always how Maddie’s songs went. I had Copyright 2016 - 2024