Stroke It - Brooke Page Page 0,42

in the moment. I do it every time I go home,” he smirked. Chase had a girl he always looked forward to seeing when he went back to South Carolina.

“What if I keep trying to have a relationship with her? What if she just stops? Leaving me dumbfounded, again.”

Chase rinsed his hands and grabbed one of the clean towels from the warmer. “Then, you find someone new. You’ve done it before.”

I ran my hand through my hair. “Why is it so hard for me to turn it on and off with her? Any other chick, I can laugh, screw, and leave. But I can’t seem to stop myself from wanting her.”

“Maybe she won’t leave this time? Maybe, she’s ready to settle down? Or maybe, she’s worried you’ll be the one to break her heart. You haven’t been the most responsive to her. In fact, when you’re not singing, you appear to be down right repulsed by the poor girl.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. Chase was right, I knew I’d broken hearts in the past. It wasn’t something I wanted to happen, but so many girls have me on a pedestal, and think I’m someone that I’m not.

It wasn’t fair of me to treat Regan as if she didn’t deserve to be in the same room as me.

“To tell you the truth, I’ve been thinking about settling down a lot lately,” he admitted.

I furrowed my brows. “Really?”

He frowned, but nodded. “Yeah. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I love being able to get a blow job from a groupie whenever I want one, but there’s something about monogamy that’s been tempting me.”

I shook my head. “A relationship with another musician seems like a plethora of problems.”

Chase shrugged. “Or a lifetime of happiness? That chemistry the two of you have, it’s because of the music, and you won’t find that anywhere else.”

Chase threw his towel in the bin with the other used ones. “Come on. Sebestian’s going to start to get cranky if we don’t finish this session during our allotted time slot.”

I rolled my eyes. “I don’t know why we can’t just do our recordings in Rocket’s basement.”

Chase smirked. “I know why.”

We both exchanged glances, and said at the same time, “His mom.” We laughed the short walk back to the studio. I felt somewhat better after talking with Chase.

Gunner was on his phone sitting in one of the big chairs, smirking and texting. No doubt with his new girlfriend, Cassidy.

Rocket was cozy on the couch, Raina sitting beside him. They were both laughing and smiling at each other, and the sight of them enjoying each other’s company rubbed me the wrong way.

“Break time’s over,” I snapped, shooting them both a glare.

Raina scowled at me. “We were waiting for you.”

Rocket grinned. “You feelin’ okay, buddy? Having some trouble in the bathroom?”

Chase smacked Rocket upside the head. “Don’t make me regret turning your mom down the last time she was in town.”

“Are jokes about my mom ever going to get old?” Rocket whined, rubbing the back of his head.

“Nope,” we all said unanimously.

Raina covered her mouth to hide her grin.

Scooter tilted his head toward Sebastian. “Is his mom really that hot?”

“Extremely,” Sebastian said flatly, hiding a smirk behind his fist.

Raina carefully stood from the couch, running her hands down her dress, making sure it fell in the right place. She didn’t meet my eyes when we walked into the booth, but I knew that would change the moment my vocal chords made their appearance. She couldn’t resist me anymore than I could resist her.


The torturous session was finally over, and hugs and handshakes were being exchanged while we closed the session.

The guys headed to the elevator, and I waved them ahead. “I’ll see you guys at rehearsals in the morning.”

Chase gave me a nod, wrapping one big bicep around Rocket’s neck. “Enjoy your own bed!”

Regan was gathering her things, while Calvin and Scooter shared a discussion. I stood by the door, debating my next move.

“Great session today, Jet. If you ever want to give your voice a different sound, maybe a solo album, I’m open for discussion,” Scooter grinned once he noticed I was still in the room.

“Thanks, but the solo act doesn’t really work for me.”

Calvin followed my gaze, a slow smile creeping on his face. “Hey, Scooter, would you be willing to show me the other recording rooms on this floor before we head back to the hotel?”

Scooter's face fell, but then he shrugged. “I guess. Raina, will Copyright 2016 - 2024