Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,26

so comfortable, but it definitely wasn't the worst way to wake up.

He'd grumbled when I got up, and I'd been tempted to stay. After exchanging phone numbers, I forced myself to get moving and stumbled next door for a quick shower. I'd rushed to get ready so I could meet the guys on time. But as it turned out, they were running late.

I checked my phone. Just before I pressed call to find out if they were close, the twins pulled up in CJ's Jeep, parallel parking along the curb between two compact cars.

Caleb jumped out first, black hair a mess and clothes wrinkled. "Who the fuck’s idea was it to meet this early? It's summer and I'm still waking up like I've got class."

CJ rounded the Jeep from the driver's side and stepped up on the sidewalk. The opposite of his twin, his hair was styled and he'd clearly spent time getting ready. "Mine, dick. You may be lazy as fuck but I have a summer job, remember?" He reached back and petted his Jeep. "I found a set of wheels I really want to put on her, and they won't pay for themselves."

Caleb yawned. "What do I need a job or car for when you just drive me everywhere anyway?"

Rolling his eyes, CJ passed by me. "Let's grab a table. I'm fucking starving."

We followed him inside and were greeted by the hostess and given the option to dine inside or outside. Choosing to grab a spot out on the unoccupied fenced-in patio, we were led by a blonde woman in black pants and shirt to a glass top table with an iron base and matching chairs.

It was early enough that the heat wasn’t overwhelming yet and a cool breeze carried the scent from the flowers hanging from pots along the iron fence. The chair legs scraped the cement as we took our seats and got comfortable.

"Can I get you fellas started with drinks? Coffee?" she asked with a thick southern accent as she handed out menus.

"Just a water for me," I answered. "With lemon."

"Coffee. Lots of coffee," Caleb replied and CJ agreed.

"Be back in a sec." She flounced off, ponytail swinging behind her.

"Damn, maybe it was worth waking up this early." Caleb smirked as he watched her go. "Think I can get her number?"

"Did you miss the ring on her finger?" I asked. The thing had been impossible to ignore when the sunlight hit the diamond as she'd handed me the menu.

"Well, that sucks." He frowned, but the act vanished when he waggled his brows. "I wasn't exactly looking at her hands."

CJ and I both groaned, and Caleb shrugged unapologetically.

Crossing his arms on the table, CJ leaned forward. "So how are things working out at your uncle's?"

"Good. I like working at the shop so far. Much better than going home." I gnawed on my lip as I debated telling them about Phoenix. I had no idea what their reaction would be and didn't want to end up fielding a mound of invasive questions.

"Clearly you have something to say, so spill. What's going on?" CJ cocked a brow and I felt like a bug under a microscope the way they both studied me under pale blue eyes.

I cleared my throat. "Fine, but don't—"

Two steaming coffees and three glasses of water clattered against the glass top as the waitress set them down. "I didn't mean to interrupt," she apologized. "I can come back if you're not ready to order."

Grateful for the save, I assured her we were ready though none of us had even cracked open the menus. The reprieve only lasted long enough to order. She'd barely turned toward the door when Caleb knocked his knee into mine.

"You were saying," he pressed while dumping a gallon of creamer into his coffee.

I squeezed the lemon into my water and tossed the peel onto a napkin. "I've been hanging out with this neighbor," I hedged. "Sometimes. I mean, only a few times. Once, really." I stopped rambling and closed my eyes as silence met my admission.

Caleb's slow chuckle started first, followed by a gasp of disbelief from CJ.

"Holy shit, you're into this guy?" My eyes popped open and I met CJ's inquisitive stare.

I twisted my lips. "Maybe."

"Maybe, my ass," Caleb piped up. "You're rambling like a nervous virgin about this neighbor."

"I am a nervous virgin." I glowered. "Well, not nervous," I corrected, and he flashed a knowing grin. "Shut up, Caleb."

He barked a laugh, only getting louder and drawing attention Copyright 2016 - 2024