Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,25

huffed and swiped his hair from his forehead. "I don't know, but could we not make a big deal about it? I thought you didn't care."

"Trust me, I still want to fuck you until the only thing you can remember is my name on your tongue and the ache of having me buried deep inside you." Even the thought of sliding into his virgin body caused a groan to crawl up my throat. I reached for him and tugged him in for a soft kiss. "That hasn't changed."

"Good." He grinned when I pulled back. “So, can we get back to what we were doing then?”

Holding back the laugh settled in my chest, I folded his hand in mind. "We don’t have to do everything right now. No rush."

I'd never been with a virgin, but my imagination was going crazy about how many firsts I could give him. How much I wanted to own those moments was a little terrifying. "Was that your first kiss?"

"My first good one," he admitted. When my lips kicked up in a satisfied grin, he rolled his eyes. "I've kissed two guys, but it was more just an experiment since all the guys I knew were having sex with anything that moved. I just wanted to know if something was wrong with me."

That was the second time he'd mentioned that, and it made me angry he'd ever felt that way. "Nothing is wrong with you. There isn't a one size fits all formula to it, Arch."

He nodded. "I realized that and figured it didn't really matter even if there was. I didn't want to, so I didn't."

With him opening up to me, I felt like I needed to be honest with him about my past, but the words sat heavy on my tongue. "I'm not ashamed of my past, but I need to make sure that my experience won't bother you."

Archer frowned. "Why would it bother me?"

Reaching out, I ran my thumb over his bottom lip. His tongue darted out, tasting me, and I clenched my jaw to keep myself in check. "It wouldn't bother you that I don't have a sexual preference? That I'm attracted to people, not a specific gender?"

I wanted to tell him that the only person I was interested in right then was him, but we were still getting to know each other. I couldn't make promises, and I couldn't ask for any in return. It was too new, but I also couldn’t see myself giving him up anytime soon.

"I don't have any expectations, Phoenix, and you don't owe me an explanation. But, no, it doesn’t bother me." He nipped my thumb. “I want you, and you seem pretty into me, right? That’s all I care about.”

"Understatement," I deadpanned and he let out a soft laugh.

“Well, can’t that be enough?” His brown eyes stared intently into mine—dark orbs I could easily get lost in.

“More than enough,” I agreed and dropped my hand to my lap. Though my body protested, it felt right to pump the brakes for the night. "I think we should slow down, but I don't want you to leave."

"A movie then?" he suggested.

Whatever would keep him here, I thought, and reached for the remote as he inched closer until he pressed against my side. Turning on the TV, we chose a crime drama and settled into a comfortable silence. Halfway through the movie, his head drooped against my chest and a soft snore reached my ears.

He grumbled as I rearranged our bodies to lie down. Flat on my back, he circled an arm over my middle from where he was halfway draped over me. One-handed, I reached under the couch and pulled out my notebook and pen that was hooked to the front. I pulled the cap off with my teeth, and my gaze traced over his sleeping face. I scribbled a line.

‘Peace in your slumber, I watch you sleep.

Your innocence and fire make me weak.’



My eyelids drooped from too little sleep as I stood at the entrance to the diner a few blocks from my uncle's house, waiting on the twins to meet me for breakfast. I inhaled the sweet smell of pancakes that drifted through the door each time it was opened, and my stomach rumbled.

After falling asleep during the movie in the early hours of the morning, I'd woken up sprawled on top of Phoenix who was stretched out on the couch. I wasn't sure how we'd gotten in that position, or why I found it Copyright 2016 - 2024