Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,14

you while sitting in my backyard." I tilted my head as I drank him in. "I'm definitely not complaining."

"I'm not either." His lashes fluttered, and I'd bet my left nut his cheeks were crimson.

Tension filled the space between us for a moment before I broke it. "How long are you staying?"

"The summer." He leaned against the railing, folding one arm on top while the other clutched a book under his arm. "I'm going to be helping at my uncle's shop until fall semester starts."

"Yeah?" I made a mental note to move up my appointment scheduled for later in the week with Isaac. "Maybe I'll see you up there then. Isaac does all my ink. Or has for the last two years anyway."

He perked up. "Really?"

"Yep. He was the one that told me this place was available about a year ago." Isaac hardly ever had company, but it made me question how we hadn't crossed paths until now. "Why haven't I seen you around?"

Archer simply shrugged again, and I wondered if he'd be so casual if I had him beneath me again. The mental image invoked a groan that I struggled to swallow.

"I don't come to the house very much," he answered. "His shop is close to campus so we just meet for lunch downtown now and then." He paused. "Is this weird? That I'm here, I mean."

Weird wasn't the word I'd use. "A pleasant surprise." I shoved my hands in my pockets and tilted my head. "Truthfully, you are probably the most interesting person I've met in a long time."

"How do you know?" Archer asked bluntly with a curious dip of his brow. "You only know me from a few minutes of…of…"

"Dry fucking you?" I supplied and he straightened his spine.

"Well, y—yes," he stammered and cleared his throat. "That."

Once again, I thought about that night. The way he'd introduced himself, fumbling all over his name, was for lack of a better word…charming. And I found myself giving him my full fucking name when we parted ways which went against yet another rule I set for myself.

Thoroughly charmed again, I chuckled. "Maybe I'm super intuitive, Arch."

He snorted and then pointed behind me. "What are you working on?"

Confused, I turned and realized he was asking about the notebook. I never talked about my music anymore. There was nothing worse than someone asking about my songs and having to admit I'd been desperately staring at the pages, hoping something would materialize. Having to face the fact that I may never regain that part of me. A huge part that, at one time, I thought I could build a future around.

I cleared my throat. "Nothing really." He frowned as if he didn't believe me. As a distraction, I tipped my chin toward the book he carried. "What are you reading?"

"Nothing really." His bored tone was betrayed by his twitching lips.

"Smart ass." I chuckled.

He grinned and then sighed. "It's a graphic novel I've been working on for months because classes kept me busy. I'm starting to think I'll never finish. Not just because of time. I'm not sure which direction I'm heading with the story. I thought I knew." His eyebrows scrunched together.

"You mean you're writing it?" I asked with interest, suddenly curious to know more about him. I'd always been drawn to creative minds. It brought a sense of kinship that I didn't cross often, and honestly, made me feel like a fraud at times over the last few years. But with him admitting he was struggling, the pull was stronger.

"Yeah, or at least I'm trying to. I'm hoping to finish it over the summer."

"Do I get a sneak peek?" I teased with a waggle of my brows.

He gnawed on his lip, and just before I admitted I was joking, he nodded. "Sure, if you want."

My eyebrows rose in surprise and my gaze zeroed in on his lips. "I definitely want."

"Are we still talking about my book?" He chuckled, the sound airy and light.

I wanted to bottle that sound and listen to it when my doubts about the future settled like a heavy weight on my shoulders.

"Can't it be about both?" I purred, triggering another round of soft laughter.

"Phoenix, I'm… I'm glad I met you." Archer's shy, unexpected admission caught me off guard, though I wasn't sure why. I wasn't sure his expressive eyes could hide a secret even if he tried. His candid honesty was refreshing, and I wanted more.

"Me too, Arch." My fingers itched to capture the moment on page. In the Copyright 2016 - 2024