Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,13

few seconds he froze while staring up at me. Then a lazy smile curled one side of his devilishly perfect mouth and one brow rose.

"Archer West. What in the fuck are you doing here?"



Minutes before

My notebook sat open in front of me, taunting me with the blank page that should have been filled with lyrics as I slouched on the cushioned wicker chair. Two years ago, my soul would have bled all over the damn thing, but I sat on the patio smoking and stewing over the lack of words. I didn't even know why I bothered. Most of the time I pushed away the urge to write because it always ended the same—with me frustrated and nothing written.

Crickets chirped, a door opened and shut somewhere and the muffled sounds of a neighbor's TV faintly reached my ears. I blocked it out, retreating into my thoughts once again.

A melody had been trapped in my head for days, and I tapped against my thigh, waiting for inspiration to strike. I inhaled the smoke and closed my eyes as I exhaled, listening to the different cadences that rose and fell in my mind.

Nothing. Fucking nothing. I growled under my breath and sucked in another lungful of smoke. I didn't smoke often but kept a pack for the inevitable frustration that came with the void of lyrics.

A sharp gasp caught my attention, and I squinted, scanning the darkened backyard. Slight movement drew my attention up toward Isaac's balcony. One that was never used. I stubbed my cigarette out in the ashtray I kept outside.

Leaning forward, I peered up at the still form of the guy looking back at me. I froze. He wasn't moving, so it gave me time to study him, though I didn't need to. I had the details committed to memory. Lean frame, several inches shorter than me and a mess of deep auburn curls, Archer West stood just above me.

I’d thought about what might happen if we randomly ran into each other again. But it was a big city, so the chances of finding him again had been slim at best. Finding him while sitting on my own porch though? I had to bite back the bubble of laughter stemming from disbelief.

My thoughts quickly went back to the night we'd met.

I didn't make it a habit of dry fucking customers. In fact, I had a one-foot rule, as in no part of a customer came into contact with my body. And if a straying hand happened to touch me, the performance ended right on the spot.

But Archer… I shook my head slightly. Something about him had set off a visceral reaction I hadn't been able to control. He'd been clearly nervous, yet affected by my closeness. I’d wanted him—bad. The need to drive him mindless had gripped me in an unyielding hold. I hadn't meant to lose my shit right along with him.

He shuffled his feet, ripping me free from the memory. Owlish wide dark brown eyes locked with mine, unblinking, as he absently bit his bottom lip. My mouth tugged into a half grin as the initial shock wore off.

My night had taken a turn for the better. Far better, I thought as my gaze roamed his body. "Archer West. What in the fuck are you doing here?"

He gave an awkward wave and smiled. "Hi, Phoenix."

I climbed to my feet and stepped out onto the short grass that crunched beneath my boots. He peered over the metal rail at me. The contours of his pale face dusted with freckles across his cheeks and bridge of his nose were highlighted by the half moon.

"Hey, Arch." We stood, staring at each other and smiling. Shaking my head, I laughed. "You didn't answer me. How do you know Isaac?"

"Oh, right. He's my uncle." Archer shrugged. "I wasn't sure you'd remember me when I realized it was you down there." His teeth sank back into that plush lower lip that I had the urge to climb up there and tug free.

Isaac had mentioned a nephew a few times as he'd worked on many of the designs that covered my body. The chances of that nephew being Archer… Well, luck seemed to be on my side for once.

"How could I forget?" I'd tried and couldn't get the guy with unruly dark red hair out of my head. And my cock sure as fuck wouldn't let me forget how responsive his body had been to mine. "Though I admit I never expected to find Copyright 2016 - 2024