Stolen Heart - By Bennett, Sawyer Page 0,11

him over the edge, causing his climax to fire through his body. He let out a bark of a moan and then Ashley collapsed on top of him.

They stayed that way for several minutes while their breathing calmed down. Kieran stroked his hands up and down her spine. Neither of them said a word. Kieran was dumbfounded actually. He had never had a woman take such utter and complete control over his body, and he couldn’t believe he actually let her. He’d gotten immense pleasure too. This little librarian was quite intriguing. He really hated to have to leave her in the morning but the needs of his people always came above all else.

Easing out of her, he removed the condom and threw it in the waste basket beside the bed. She rolled over onto her stomach and within minutes was sleeping. Lying on his back, he closed his eyes. Yes, he would hate to say goodbye to her tomorrow.


“Kieran…wake up.”

Kieran heard the female voice deep in his brain and tried to place it.

“Come on Kieran, time to wake up.”

The voice was getting louder. Lying on his side, he opened his eyes slightly and saw the alarm clock on the nightstand read 7:03 a.m.

In a rush, it all came back to him…his incredible night with Ashley. He couldn’t believe he slept past 6:30a.m. And now she was calling for him to wake up. When he rolled over, he would show her the benefits of waking up next to Kieran Dunne. Crap. Could his inner voice sound any more egotistical?

“Kieran. I left a message that we would meet bright and early this morning. Time to get up as I’ve got other things to do today.” A hand smoothed over his back.

Bright and early this morning? That was the message that guy Marcus had delivered from Annika.

Kieran rolled over to look at Ashley. Instead, there was another woman lying in his bed… naked. She was lying on her side, facing him, with the sheets pulled up to her chest. Stunned beyond belief and momentarily freaked out, Kieran scrambled backwards, coming to stand on his side of the bed, staring down at the stranger.

She was stunning in a unique way. She looked like pure innocence. Her hair was midnight black. The kind of deep black that held blue highlights in the sun. She wore it short, in a pixie cut, with soft wispy threads framing her lovely face. Her eyes were pale lavender and he realized he had never seen eyes that color before. Must be contacts. Most interesting though, her left eyebrow was pierced with a small silver bar with a tiny ball on each end. It contrasted well with the purity of her face.

“Who the fuck are you?” Kieran snarled. And where was Ashley?

“Oh, come on, Kieran,” the woman drawled. “After what we shared last night, I’m surprised you would treat me this way.”


The woman’s lips turned up in a quick grin. “Are all men from Vyronas as slow as you?”

Kieran scrubbed his hand over his face in frustration, and then…utter realization. “Annika Foss,” he said with a sigh. “You wore a glamour last night.”

“Yup. And it wasn’t even my best work. But redheads do have fun.”

Kieran looked more closely at her. It was the same exact face as Ashley’s, except the hair and eyes were different. And the piercing was…hot actually. He wondered if she had any others. Her face was delicate, almost elfish, with high cheekbones. Her petite, straight nose rested over those pouty lips, which set off her stubborn little chin to perfection. Now he saw it clearly. He could imagine those red curls cascading around that same face. Dumbass.

Although, he should cut himself a little slack. He had last seen Annika Foss when they were kids, and frankly, the meeting was so unmemorable, he really couldn’t remember what she looked like. Besides, with someone that was as skilled in glamours, I guess you never knew what they truly looked like. Speaking of which.

“So, the way you look now…is that the real you?”

Annika flashed her straight pearly whites at him. “My dear man…you could never hope to know or understand all of the mysteries that make up the real me. But yes, this is the way I look when I’m not using a glamour. Along with a few other piercings you can’t see right now but I’d be glad to share them with you later.”

Kieran had to admit, he thought Ashley’s look was smoking hot, but there Copyright 2016 - 2024