Stolen Heart - By Bennett, Sawyer Page 0,10


Sliding it up over her hips, Kieran about swallowed his tongue when he saw she wasn’t wearing any underwear. His eyes fixated on the gorgeous crop of copper curls between her thighs. But then she moved the dress up her stomach, and over her breasts, he got sidetracked as he found she wasn’t wearing a bra either. Her breasts were full and round, her nipples already hardened.

With a quick flip of her hands, the dress was free and she flung it to the floor. Shaking her auburn locks free to settle around her shoulders, Kieran was staring at perhaps the most perfect female body he’d ever seen. Her stomach was flat and her hips flared slightly. He watched as she moved forward to straddle him. It was then that he noticed she was still wearing those killer stiletto heels and had no intention of taking those off. Fuck, that was hot.

Ashley reached her hands down and laid them on his stomach. She smoothed her palms upwards in a surprisingly soft and non-sexual way up to his chest and that actually turned him on more than if she had blatantly fondled him. It was then that he realized he had hardly touched her.

For the first time in his life that he could remember, he had just laid back and let a woman do all of the work. He had been so hypnotized by what she was doing, he had not reciprocated in anyway. That was very un-Kieran like. He was always a considerate lover. The type of man that would always bring a woman to an orgasm before he would even consider having one of his own. Almost ashamed of himself, his hands reached out to run up her legs but she actually slapped them away.

That surprised the shit out of him. Kieran looked up at her face and he saw something that he would bet reflected on his face most of the time he was in the throes of passion. Lust, dominance, pride. Who would have thought this would come from his little school librarian?

Hands still on his chest, she flexed her fingers and dug her nails in. Not enough to draw blood but enough to draw a moan from him and cause his hips to flex upwards again. Giving a throaty laugh, Ashley reached her hand back to one of her stilettos and he watched as she pulled a foiled condom packet from underneath the thick leather strap. That was handy! Shoes with built in condom holders.

Ashley put the packet in her teeth and pulled with her hand, ripping the package open. She deftly removed the condom and placed it over his erection, slowly rolling it down his length. Then she settled over him. Kieran felt her enclose over the tip and marveled at the hot wetness he felt. He hadn’t done more than kiss her but she was slick and ready with invitation. He watched as she slowly sank on to him, and watched her eyes close in rapture.

With determination, she began a steady pace, pushing up and down again with fluid strokes. Little mewling noises started pouring from her lips and willing to take another hand slapping, Kieran grabbed ahold of her hips to help push her up and down. And then he was lost to sensation, just as he knew Ashley was. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on the feel of her tight core working him over. His breaths grew shallow as she pumped up and down.

Opening his eyes again, he watched mesmerized as she raised her hands and gathered her hair up to the top of her head, and let it spill back down again. Red fire. Her breasts bobbed up and down with her motions and he didn’t think he’d ever seen a more tempting sight. He watched her eyelids flutter as if they couldn’t decide whether to stay open or closed.

Ashley picked up her pace. He could tell she was close to tipping over and he was right there with her. Smoothing one hand over her stomach, he moved down and rubbed over the top of her sensitive flesh with this thumb. The No Touching rule fully breached, Ashley’s eyes flew open to look down at him and he rubbed her harder. Her head lolled backwards and he literally could see her orgasm ripple through her body.

She let out a cry, grabbing on to his hand and pushing it harder against her. The mere act of her needing something from him finally sent Copyright 2016 - 2024