Stay With Me (She's With Me #2) - Jessica Cunsolo Page 0,9

going to be easy, but neither is the one I’m going to have to have with Aiden, preferably sooner rather than later.

I can’t look at him as I say, “We’re going to have to have a serious talk too.”

“You don’t owe me anything, Thea.”

But I do. The guilt sits in a pit right in the middle of my chest. I’m leaving this town, leaving Aiden, and if I’m going to go, I need to leave him with the truth. Aiden’s been nothing but honest with me. He let me in when he really doesn’t let anyone in, so I want him to know me, the real me.

“It’s not about owing,” I say. “I need to tell you. All in, remember?”

I look away from him, willing my face to not turn bright red from his intense and unwavering gaze.

“Before everyone gets here tonight, you and I will talk,” Aiden says.

The rest of the afternoon moves slowly while I try to keep busy and not overthink. My mom sends me another text, just like her first one earlier this morning, reprimanding me again for letting Aiden stay the night, but what’s she going to do from Canada? I’m not really worried about getting on her bad side since she’s already ruining the semblance of a normal life I have by relocating me. When was the last time I had a boyfriend? When was the last time I felt as close to someone as I do to Aiden? The only boy who ever got somewhat close to me was Hunter, which was a few months ago when I was Hailey, but even he never got past a few dates. He never gave me mammoth-sized butterflies like Aiden does. He never made me feel safe and secure and completely at peace with who I am like Aiden does. In comparison to Aiden, Hunter was a blip on my radar while Aiden takes up the whole damn thing.

By the time Aiden texts me to let me know he’s on his way, I’ve vacuumed and mopped the entire house twice.

“Hey,” I greet him as he enters my house. “Where are the twins?”

“They wanted to stay and play with Bubba. We’re going to stay the night with Julian before we move into Mason’s, since we’re not cleared to go home. Tyler’s parents have some event tonight and some teenage babysitter can’t handle all three of them.” He laughs a bit as he takes his shoes off and follows me into the kitchen. “So they’re spending real time with Julian’s dog. They can see how much work goes into taking care of him, since they keep asking me for one.”

Laughing at the mental image of Jason and Jackson trying to play with Julian’s fifty-pound bulldog, I hand Aiden a glass of water.

“You’re moving into Mason’s?”

“Brian’s our legal guardian. The social workers are going to be checking up on us and stuff. Since my house is still a crime scene, we figured we might as well stay there for a bit until we can sort everything out.”

I nod, then bite my lip. The dark circles under his eyes do nothing to take away from the attractiveness of his face. Neither does the hard set of his jaw or the tension he holds in his back. I wish this wasn’t happening to him, that he could’ve been dealt a better hand.

“How did telling them about Greg go?”

“It was hard.” He lets out a heavy breath. “I sat them down and told them that a bad thing happened to Greg, and it was outside our home. They kept doing that twin thing where they lock eyes and communicate with each other without saying anything. I told them I’d go back home to pick up some things, but they were kind of freaked out when I told them we’d need to stay with Mason for a bit.” He releases a sad, humorless chuckle.

I shake my head. The last thing those boys need is to be worried about anything happening to Aiden. He’s the only stability they have. I can only imagine how terrifying it would be to see your house covered in police tape; I’d never had to.

“I didn’t tell them the whole story. They’re nine—I don’t want them to think about a murder happening on the front lawn of where we live. I don’t need them to have that kind of trauma in their lives, it’s enough they’ve already lost our mom. They know Greg’s dead, but I sort of left Copyright 2016 - 2024