Stars Over Alaska (Wild River #4) - Jennifer Snow Page 0,120

She’d meant he wasn’t the romantic, Valentine’s Day, flowers and chocolate kinda guy, but it was too late to clarify.

“Jade tell you that?” he asked, his voice slightly cooler and she regretted the question. It only reminded her that this guy had dated and dumped her sister three months ago.

“You’re not exactly her normal type, if I’m being honest,” she said carefully.

He turned to face her. “No? Well, whose type am I?”


But somehow the word stuck in her throat, so she looked away.

In theory, on paper, he was exactly her type, everything she was looking for in a man but unfortunately, being her sister’s ex unchecked all the boxes he’d ticked.

* * *

ONCE THE FOOD had been cleared away, Mike drained the contents of his thermos and stood to address the group. Back to the dating element of the weekend.

Forcing as much enthusiasm as he could fake, he said, “Okay, so we’re going to begin our speed dating round.”

Only one couple who had clearly friend zoned one another looked eager to mingle. The others seemed content to retreat back inside the individual huts, and Mike was tempted to let them do it, but this was part of the experience and Cassie was right—Maddie deserved to see if there was someone there she might hit it off with.

And he wasn’t at all jealous about that.

“Remember, there’s no obligation to switch partners, it’s just so you all have a chance to get to know one another,” he said.

Maddie glanced at him, a slight questioning expression on her face.

“You’ll participate too.” Mike had noticed the friend-zoned man’s attention on Maddie while they’d eaten. The two had chatted and joked...they’d seemed to be getting along.

And that’s what she was there for. To make a real connection.

He was not there for that reason.

He checked his notes from Cassie...this dating part of the excursion was the bit he was least comfortable executing, but he needed to pull it off. Good evaluations from this group would go a long way in ensuring Cassie trusted him with future excursions. “Ladies will stay put and the men will rotate from log to log. A five-minute alarm will chime when it’s time to rotate again.”

The men stood, ready, and Mike hit his stopwatch. “And start.”

He poured more coffee into his thermos and sat on a log away from the group, desperate not to watch but feeling his gaze shift back to Maddie as the men did their rotation.

Most of the original couples seemed happy together. He wasn’t an expert on love but he could read body language and it appeared everyone was keeping their speed dates casual, friendly.

If Cassie ever wanted a career change she could definitely become a professional matchmaker. Maybe next year he should sign himself up as a participant. Finding a potential mate who liked ice fishing and the great outdoors, someone not worried about how they looked or having to pee in an outhouse...

Someone with a nice sense of humor who was interesting to talk to but who also didn’t mind the stillness and silence.

Someone like Maddie.

He sighed as his gaze landed on her again. His ill-timed attraction for her had him foolishly hoping she’d say no to his next question as the speed dating wrapped up. “So, anyone want to switch?”

Three women shook their heads, to the relief of their partners, but Friend-Zoned Guy’s hand went up slowly. He glanced at his current match and she nodded her approval. “I’d like to hang out with Maddie...if she’s up for it.”

His match smiled at Mike, but Mike’s palms went clammy as he turned to Maddie. Would she switch? It made sense seeing as how this other guy was available and there for the same reason. “It’s totally your choice.”

She hesitated, smiling politely at the guy. “Um, actually I think I’ll stick to my original hut.”

Her original hut, meaning her original “stand-in” partner—him.

“Okay, well, everyone can head back inside. Have a good night,” he said quickly before Maddie could have a change of heart.


THE VIBE INSIDE the hut was definitely different now. Maddie’s choice to stay with Mike had him all kinds of conflicted, and she seemed uneasy, as well. As if they both knew her decision meant something but weren’t sure what to do about it.

At her cot, she opened her duffel bag and took out her pajamas.

“Turn around, please,” she said when he continued to stand there awkwardly.

“Oh right.” Mike turned and when he caught a glimpse of her removing her sweater in the Copyright 2016 - 2024