Stars Over Alaska (Wild River #4) - Jennifer Snow Page 0,119

office all day every day.”

He couldn’t have said it better himself. He’d tried and failed to be happy in a corporate job. He had a degree in accounting and he was great with numbers. But suits and desks would drive him to an early grave. Giving it up to become an adventure tour guide might have been a step down financially, but there was more to life than money.

“It might not be the most lucrative career, but happiness has to be a factor in life choices, right?” she said.

Once again, caught off guard by their similar philosophies, he simply nodded.

Was it possible that he had more in common with his ex’s sister than he could ever have thought? It was quickly becoming obvious that he might have dated the wrong sister.


“GUESS THE FISH just aren’t biting today,” Mike said as the sun started to set outside the hut windows.

“I wonder if the others had more luck.” Maddie pulled her line up and frowned at the slightly frozen bait at the end. Her disappointment over not catching anything wasn’t as strong as it would normally be. Surprisingly, she’d had a good, even.

The hut was cozy with the stove giving off heat and the smell of burning wood and fresh mountain air all around them. It was peaceful and serene.

Mike was easy to be around. He didn’t feel the need to fill every moment with chatter and yet, sitting in silence while they fished together had felt like they were actually getting to know one another. He seemed to get better looking as the day went on, with each sneaky glance in his direction. The muscular, burly build and long legs, the full, thick beard that was trimmed neat along his square jawline, and those light blue eyes that were kind and slightly intoxicating in their depth had her attraction growing.

And she sensed he was shooting glances her way, as well.

The few times their gazes had met, there had definitely been some type of unspoken connection...a spark.

“I think I hear everyone outside. If you want to head out and join them, I’ll go let the cook know we’re ready to eat,” he said, locking their fishing holes and grabbing his coat.

Maddie put on all her gear and still shivered as she stepped out onto the frozen lake. It was even prettier at night. The ice stretching far in both directions and the stars above in the clear night sky were breathtaking. Taking out her cell phone, she snapped several photos before joining the others near the fire grill. Thick hollowed-out logs were set up for each couple.

Everyone looked caught up in their partner, so Maddie quietly sat on her empty log, taking in the group. Smiles and laughter, light touching... One man had his arm draped around his match as they snuggled together.

Looked like so far so good...for the rest of them anyway. Cassie had obviously done a thorough job pairing everyone.

What would her match have been like?

The questionnaire had asked everything from preferred physical characteristics to personality traits. She’d been honest. Maddie was looking for a strong, smart, capable man with a quirky sense of humor—or at least some sense of humor—who enjoyed the outdoors and being in nature. No pressure for expensive, fancy dates. No pretenses. She’d prefer to skip the highlight reel and get to the core of the person. She’d wanted someone with similar goals, similar life philosophies...

She’d basically described Mike.

She watched him approach with the cook from the ice fishing company, chatting amicably and looking so at ease out there in the frigid weather. Any doubts she’d had about his abilities to lead a tour had vanished. He was capable, strong and competent. Of course, he didn’t come across as a heart-on-his-sleeve type of guy, so why he was assigned to this trip was still a bit of a mystery.

As the cook collected the fish from those who’d caught some and prepared the grill, Mike sat next to her on the log. “So, I hope you brought a protein bar or something,” he said with a wink.

She felt her cheeks warm at the simple blink of an eye. “Maybe we can convince the others to share?”

Mike glanced at them. “They look too preoccupied to eat anyway.”

Maddie scanned the others, then turned back to Mike. “How did you get stuck leading this excursion anyway?”

“What makes you think I got stuck with it?”

“You just don’t come across as a big relationship guy.” The words came out wrong. Copyright 2016 - 2024