Stages of Grace - By Carey Heywood Page 0,75

Ryan leaves me with Jennifer for the afternoon. He is leading a kayak tour. I feel light and can't seem to stop smiling or looking at him.

"So you and Ryan?"


She tilts her head at me. "Bummer."

"Do you like Ryan?"

She laughs. "Nope. I'm gay. Was kinda hoping you were too, blondie."

My mouth drops. Not really sure what the right response to that is so I just shrug, which makes her laugh. That seems to eliminate any tension that may have been there, and we work well together for the rest of the day. Not long before closing time, I watch Ryan return with the kayak tour. I am riveted watching his arms as his paddle slices through the water. Once he is parallel to the dock, he smoothly pulls himself and his yak out before helping other people. I blush when I remember my fall getting out of the kayak.

After everyone is out of their kayaks and the gear is stowed, Ryan comes to collect me. He takes off his shirt, using it to wipe his face in the office. He grabs a spare one and pulls it over his head. I did my best not to drool, still a bit flustered by the idea of him liking me. When we are in the car, he asks how I got on with Jennifer.

"She was great. I think she really liked me."

He groans. "Did she hit on you?"

I pause. "Not really."

"What did she say?" He glances at me, lifting a brow.

I’m laughing at this point. "Just that she was bummed I was with you."

"Can't blame her. I think Darrell was trying to hit on you, too."


"May have to keep you with me at all times."

"Hush. Don’t be silly."

"I'm really only worried about next time Jack is in town."

"Your partner? Why?"

"I'm scared you'll take one look at him and forget all about me."

"Not going to happen."

He drops me off at Kate's. We both need a shower. He jokingly suggests we save water and take a joint shower. I do my best to look shocked while images of soaping up his chest flash through my mind. Kate is on the lanai, waiting to hear all about my first day. Ryan and I decide we are going to tell Kate about us together. After chatting with Kate for a few minutes, I hurry to take my shower, wanting to look nice when Ryan comes over. I’m getting dressed when I hear my phone buzz.

Quickly pulling my shirt on, I answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey, stranger!"

"Nikita, how are you?"

"Good, just missing you. So, how's Tampa, tell me all about it."

I tell her about the drive, the weather, my learning how to knit, and saving the best for last: Ryan.

"Shut up! That guy who came and helped you move? Oh my God, he is so friggin’ hot. How did it happen?"

"He took me jet skiing today. It was so intense. First, I was behind him, then he was behind me. Then he took me out to lunch and told me he was attracted to me and asked me if I would date him."

"Whoa, and that accent. I am super jealous right now."

"He's taking me out Friday, I'm excited but, I wonder...Do you think it's too soon? I mean, since Jon?"

"Do you still have feelings for Jon?"

"I think I will always miss what we had, sometimes I'm sad when I think about it, or angry, when I think about how he acted. I don't know if I'll ever forgive him, it's weird. I'm not in love with him anymore but we were together for so long it's just complicated."

"I get that, you can't just turn off feelings like that, but I don't think you're rushing. Didn't you say you guys have dinner together every night? Don't stress about it, just do what feels right. How's living with your grandmother? Didn't you say she's helping you make a scarf? Kim just bought a gorgeous scarf off Etsy. Text me a picture of the one you made, and I'll show it to everyone. While you're at it, send a picture of Ryan too. "

I'm just hanging up when I hear Ryan walk in. Crap. I wanted to brush my hair and put on some make up. I should have been multitasking while I was on the phone with Nikita but was too distracted talking. I grab my brush and quickly pull it through my still slightly damp hair. When I turn, he's leaning against my doorframe. Something comes over me, and I Copyright 2016 - 2024